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Oracle® Study, Subject, and Visit Synchronization Integration Pack for Siebel Clinical and Oracle Clinical Implementation Guide
Release 11.1

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7 Using the Resubmission Utility

This chapter discusses:

7.1 Overview

When a message cannot be delivered to a service or component in the flow of a global transaction, the message is rolled back to the appropriate source milestone. This source milestone corresponds to an Oracle Advanced Queue or JMS topic. The message will be persisted until it can be resubmitted for delivery to the service or component. At the same time, a fault is raised by the Error Handling framework and, if enabled, error notifications and Oracle BPM Worklist tasks regarding the fault are created to alert administrators.

Once the fault is notified, the most natural course of action is for the administrator to bring up the failed service or component. Once the service or component is back up and running, the administrator can use the Message Resubmission Utility to recover the faulted message from the source milestone.

The Message Resubmission Utility changes the state of the faulted message to the Ready state, enabling it to be picked up by the consumer process.

7.2 Executing the Resubmission Utility for Study Site Flow

To execute the resubmission utility for Study Site Flow (Siebel Clinical to Oracle Clinical):

  1. Navigate to the following location:


  2. Open the file.

  3. Enter the values for host name, admin.port, soa.port, user name, password.

  4. Set the value of to false.

  5. Enter the value for jms.moduleName as AIAJDBCJMSModule.

  6. Enter the value for jms.resourceCFJndi as jms/aia/AIA_SiebelClinical_ClinicalStudyJMSQueueCF.

  7. Enter the value for jms.errorResourceCFJndi as jms/aia/AIA_SiebelClinical_ClinicalStudyJMSQueueCF.

  8. Enter the value for resource type as 1.

  9. Enter the value for resourceName as AIA_SiebelClinical_ClinicalStudyJMSQueue.

  10. Enter the value for messageID.

    You can get the value of messageID from the payload, the <corecom:SenderMessageI=D> field of EBM payload and append 'ID:<' before the ID and '>' at the end. For example, ID:<163824.1330947408709.0>.

  11. Save the changes and close the file.

  12. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<AIA_instance_name>/bin and perform the following:

    • On Linux: source

    • On Windows: aiaenv.bat

  13. Execute the following commands at the command prompt:

    • On Linux: cd $AIA_HOME/util/AIAMessageResubmissionUtil

    • On Windows: cd %AIA_HOME%\util\AIAMessageResubmissionUtil

  14. Run the following command from the command prompt:

    ant -f MessageResubmit.xml -l MessageResubmit.log

    The following is a sample for site flow:

    # Password parameters will be fetched from the command prompt, based on security<password for weblogic> Connection Factory jndi namejms.resourceCFJndi=jms/aia/AIA_SiebelClinical_ClinicalStudyJMSQueueCF#Error Resource Connection Factory jndi namejms.errorResourceCFJndi=jms/aia/AIA_SiebelClinical_ClinicalStudyJMSQueueCF#QUEUE/TOPIC/RESEQUENCER - 1/2/3resourceType=1#queueName/topicName/routingServiceNameresourceName=AIA_SiebelClinical_ClinicalStudyJMSQueue#messageID/groupIDmessageID=ID:<163824.1330947408709.0>

7.3 Executing the Resubmission Utility for Subject Activity Flow

To execute the resubmission utility for Subject activity flow (Oracle Clinical to Siebel Clinical):

  1. Navigate to the following location:


  2. Open the file.

  3. Enter the values for host name, admin.port, soa.port, user name, password.

  4. Set the value of to true.

  5. Append # at the start of the jms.moduleName entry to mark it as a comment.

  6. Do not enter values for jms.resourceCFJndi and jms.errorResourceCFJndi. Leave their values blank.

  7. Enter the value for resource type as 1.

  8. Enter the value for resourceName as CLINICAL_STUDY_QUEUE.

  9. Enter the value for messageID. For example, DFF91B414F3D602AE0440021287E64CE

    You can get the value of messageID from the payload, the <corecom:SenderMessageID> field of EBM payload.

  10. Enter the value of aq.resourceTableName as CLIN_STUDY_QUEUE_TBL.

  11. Enter the value of aq.db.jdbcURL as jdbc:oracle:thin@<hostname:port:instance_name>.

  12. Enter the value of aq.db.userName as rxc.

  13. Enter the rxc schema password for aq.db.password.

  14. Save the changes and close the file.

  15. Navigate to $AIA_INSTANCE/bin/ and execute the following command:

    For Linux: source

    For Windows: aiaenv.bat

  16. Execute the following deployment command:

    For Linux: cd $AIA_HOME/util/AIAMessageResubmissionUtil ant -f MessageResubmit.xml -l MessageResubmit.log

    For Windows: cd %AIA_HOME%\util\AIAMessageResubmissionUtil ant -f MessageResubmit.xml -l MessageResubmit.log

    # Password parameters will be fetched from the command prompt, based on security<password for weblogic> Connection Factory jndi namejms.resourceCFJndi=#Error Resource Connection Factory jndi namejms.errorResourceCFJndi=#QUEUE/TOPIC/RESEQUENCER - 1/2/3resourceType=1#queueName/topicName/routingServiceNameresourceName=CLINICAL_STUDY_QUEUE#messageID/groupIDmessageID=BA2BB8280EED5340E0436E6A950A9DC1#queueTableName/<password>