This graphic shows the Oracle HTTP Server High Availability Architecture. At the top, two arrows labeled https:449 and http:80 point down to a box labeled Load Balancer. The box also lists an example virtual IP,

Below the Load Balancer box are two double-headed arrows, both labeled https:7777. The first double-headed arrow points at the Load Balancer and a box labeled OHS1. The second double-headed arrow points at the Load Balancer and a box labeled OHS2.

Below the OHS boxes are two boxes, both labeled WebLogic Managed Server.

The first WebLogic Managed Server box has a doubled-headed arrow labeled https:7075 pointing between it and OHS1 and another single-headed arrow pointed at it from OHS2.

The second WebLogic Managed Server box has a double-headed arrow labeled https:7075 pointing between it and OHS2 and another single-headed arrow pointed at it from OHS1.