You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > AssignBatWithTbl


Use this form set level rule to specify the print batch file for all recipients based on data found in the extract list.


;MYW32->AssignBatWithTbl;2;ASSNBTCH.TBL,1,XYZ (D) (I,B,S1,H);;

In the data field, enter the name of the file which contains the batch assignment table. Entering the full path is optional.

After the file name, specify the search mask which if found tells the system to add the recipients (D) to the batch. If no record is found that matches the mask, recipients I,B,S1 and H are added to the batch.

The first set of parentheses contains the recipient list of draft recipients, the second set contains all other recipients the implementation uses.

The syntax for the batch assignment table is as follows. This is a small example with three entries, you can include more.




(more lines could follow)

There are three semicolon-delimited fields, the first is a batch name, the second is a search mask which will be run against the extract data list for a possible match. The search mask field consists of one or more offset,data pairs. If there is data from different records, delimit the search masks by entering a pipe symbol (|).



The first record who’s search mask matches a record in the extract data, moving from top to bottom through the list, will be used to determine the batch name for the processing of that transaction.

There must always be an entry which has an asterisk (*) as its search mask. This is the default batch the system uses if no matches are found. You must specify a default batch.

In the third field you can enter a set of recipient codes delimited by commas. If you enter this information, the system will only print forms for the recipients you specify. Note that the printed recipients will be a subset of the recipients specified.

Note This rule can produce errors if it is run before the form set is created. You must place this rule after any rule which is used to build the form set. Normally, you would use the BuildFormList rule to build the form set.