You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > BatchingByPageCountPerRecipINI


Use this form set level rule to send a transaction to a specific print batch based on the number of page count for each recipient of all form sets the system generates when it processes the transaction.



You specify which transactions are assigned to the print batch using INI options in these control groups:

You must have these control groups in your FSISYS.INI or FSIUSER.INI file.

BatchingByRecip control group

This control group must contain these INI options:

< BatchingByRecip >

DefaultBatch = DefaultOutput

Batch_Recip_Def =

Use the DefaultBatch option to assign a name to the default batch, such as DefaultOutput. Do not enclose the name in quotation marks.

Use the Batch_Recip_Def option to define the conditions the system should use to determine which batch it should choose for each transaction. The syntax for the Batch_Recip_Def option is shown here:

Condition; "BatchName"; Recipient

You can define a series of these options to specify all of the conditions necessary to determine the desired batching for your transactions.




This lets you specify a condition that must be satisfied before the transaction is assigned to the print batch and recipients. You can use the True keyword to set the condition:

True - Enter this keyword to specify that the condition must always be true.This tells the system to send the form set to the specified print batch if the recipient is specified in the recipient list for the batch.

You can also use these user-defined options instead of the keyword:

Search mask - The search mask consists of one or more offset, data pairs.

Error - If the error batch flag is set by another rule, send the form set to the specified print batch (if the form's recipient is specified in the recipient list for the batch). For example, an error occurs if the Host Required field is set on a Move_It rule and the data is missing.

Manual - If the manual batch flag is set by another rule, send the form set to the specified print batch (if the recipient is specified in the recipient list for the batch). You could also use the KickToWIP rule.

Condition name - a condition name defined in the condition table.

?XDB token - a token name that equates to a named item in the XDB.

=GVM (expression) - returns the value of a GVM symbol named in the expression.

=DAL (expression) - returns the value of a DAL script named in the expression.

=(expression) - returns the value of a DAL symbol represented in the expression.


You can specify the batch name by specifying the recipient name, the batch name, or using a batch name defined in the Record Dictionary.

Recipient name - use the desired recipient as defined in the Application Definition setup within Documaker Studio.

Batch name - a batch name extract from the extract file. The format is a comma-delimited field: a search mask followed by a blank space and then an offset, followed by the length of name to use.

Dict( ) - a batch name defined in the Record Dictionary. Enclose this name in quotes, as shown here:


Use the pipe symbol (|) to indicate separate items concatenated together, as shown here:



You can specify recipients by using a keyword (All) or by listing specific recipients.

All - Enter this keyword to tell the system to use all recipients defined in the Application Definition setup within Documaker Studio.

list - a list of recipient names. If you list the names, separate each recipient with a comma or space, such as customer, agent.

The system processes the information in this order:

  1. If the conditions are met, the print batch you specified is used as the batch for the form set, provided the form set's recipients are specified in the recipient list for the batch. In addition, the system writes the batch record for the form set to the batches for the specified recipients.
  2. If a transaction does not meet the condition for the first Batch_Recip_Def option, the system continues through the series of Batch_Recip_Def options until the condition for a Batch_Recip_Def option is met.
  3. If a transaction does not meet any of the Batch_Recip_Def criteria, the transaction is placed in the batch specified in the DefaultBatch option. If the DefaultBatch option is not defined, an error occurs. The order in which you list the Batch_Recip_Def options determines how the system determines recipient batches. Put the most likely batches first. Use the All keyword rather than listing all recipients when appropriate.

Print_Batches control group

This control group must include at least one entry for each unique batch name in the BatchingByRecip control group.

< Print_Batches >

Batch name = ..\batch\AllOnePageBatch.bch



Batch name

You define the name and path for each batch file, such as ..\batch\AllOnePageBatch.bch

PrinterInfo control group

This control group must include an entry for each unique batch file name listed in the Print_Batches control group.

< PrinterInfo >

Printer = Printer1




You define the name for each batch file listed in the Print_Batches control group, such as Printer1.

BatchFileName control group

You define the name for this control group, such as AllOnePageBatch. You must have a BatchFileName control group for each batch name option defined in the Print_Batches control group. This control group must include at least these two options. The options are shown here:

< AllOnePageBatch >

Printer = (file name)

PageRange = 1,1




You define the name for the printed output file, such as Printer1.


Enter the minimum and maximum number of pages, separated by a comma. The example above shows one as the minimum and the maximum.

PrintedOutputFile control group

You define the name for this control group, such as Printer1. This control group must include as a minimum one option. There must be a PrintedOutputFile control group for each printer option defined in each BatchFileName control group, as shown here:

< Printer1 >

Port = ..\PrintFiles\AllOnePageBatch.PCL




You define the name and path for the printed output file, such as ..\PrintFiles\AllOnePageBatch.PCL