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Use this field level rule to build lists of data you can use to populate section lists or columns during GroupEnd processing for each transition. This rule lets you specify which data will be collected in the list for GroupEnd processing.


BldGrpList (ListFunction(ListParameter(ListSubParameter)),Rule (FieldRule),Data(FieldRuleParameters);

This rule lets you use one of these list functions:

For each list function you can specify the Rule( ) and Data( ). These parameters let you specify any standard field level rule that can be used to format the data gathered with this rule, such as the MoveNum and Move_It rules.

Including in AFGJOB.JDT

You must include the following rule in the AFGJOB.JDT file to clear the queues created by the BldGrpList rule after it processes each transaction:


For more information, see ProcessQueue.

Using the Array function

This list function retrieves data from the first extract record encountered that meets the search mask criteria in a transaction. The data defined as an array in the record is used to populate fields on the section. The sub parameters for this function are:




Search masks used to locate the extract record which contains the array of data.


The offset and length of the field which contains the number of entries in the array.


The offset for the start of the array data and length of each data entry in the array.

Here is an example of the Array function:

BldGrpList Array (Search (31, CWIARRAY), Count (39, 2), Entry (41, 5)) Rule (MoveNum) Data ( )



BldGrpList; Array

Calls the BldGrpList rule using the Array function.

Search(31, 68, 14, 2)

Searches for an extract record with 68 in offset 31 and 2 in offset 14.

Count(39, 2)

The field at offset 39 for a length of 2 in the extract record contains the number of entries in the array.

Entry(41, 11)

The array starts in offset 41 in the extract record and each entry is 11 characters long.

Rule(MoveNum) Data( )

The MoveNum rule is called using the parameters defined by Data ( ). If there are no Data parameters, you do not have to define a Data sub parameter.

Here is an example of a record from a transaction:

31 39 41

RG00000028030219281501 CWIARRAY0400.0011.1122.2233.3344.44

Using the MultiArray function

Use this function to retrieve data from multiple extract records that meet the search mask criteria. The multiple records define the array data that is used to populate fields on the section. The MultiArray sub parameters are:




Search masks used to locate the extract records which contain the array of data.


The offset and length of the field which contains the number of entries in the array.


The offset for the start of the array data and length of each data entry in the array.

Here is an example of the MultiArray function:

BldGrpList MultiArray (Search (1, CWIARRAY, 14, ~90), Count (38, 1), Entry (41, 11)) Rule (MoveNum) Data ( )




Calls the BldGrpList rule using the MultiArray function.

Search(1, CWIARRAY, 14, ~90)

Searches the extract records for each transaction with CWIARRAY in offset 1 and which is not equal to (~) 90 in offset 14.

Count(38, 1)

The field at offset 38 for a length of 1 in the extract record contains the number of entries in the array

Entry(41, 11)

The array starts in offset 41 in the extract record and each entry is 11 characters long.

Rule (MoveNum) Data ( )

Calls the MoveNum rule using the sub parameters defined by Data ( ). If there are no Data parameters, you do not have to define a Data sub parameter.

Here is an example of a record from a transaction:

31 39 41

RG00000028030219281501 CWIARRAY0400.0011.1122.2233.3344.44

RG00000028030219281501 CWIARRAY0499.9688.4534.2176.4504.05

Using the MultiOccur function

Use this function to retrieve data from multiple extract records that meet the search criteria for each transition, which is used to populate the fields on the section. The MultiOccur sub parameters are:




Search masks used to locate the extract records that contain the data to populate the field.


The offset and length of the data in the extract record.

Here is an example of the MultiOccur function:

BldGrpList MultiOccur(Search(31,CWICURR,39,~90,39,~95,39,~99),Field(41,38))Rule(Move_It)




Calls BldGrpList rule using the MultiOccur function.


Searches the extract records for CWICURR at offset 31 and offset 39 which is not equal to 90, 95, or 99 for each transaction.

Field(41, 38)

Collects data from extract record starting at offset 41 for 38 positions.


Calls the Move_It rule to collect the data.

Here is an example of records from a transaction:

31 39 41

RG00000022030219281501 CWICURR 02 ENERGY CHARGE 4.93

RG00000023030219281501 CWICURR 03 FIXED CHARGE 14.00

RG00000024030219281501 CWICURR 04 REVENUE FEE 2.10

RG00000025030219281501 CWICURR 90 21.03

RG00000026030219281501 CWICURR 95 1.47

RG00000027030219281501 CWICURR 99 22.50

See also