You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > ConvertWIP


Use this form set level rule to see if the current transaction is assigned to the MANUAL.BCH file. If it is, the rule adds the record to WIP and unloads the contents of the POLFILE.DAT and NAFILE.DAT files into new files with unique names.

The system generates unique form set IDs using a globally unique identifier (GUID) for the new files. This helps to make sure form set IDs created for WIP records do not clash even if multiple applications are generating WIP records, such as if you had multiple IDS servers generating WIP.

You can then view these WIP records using Documaker Desktop or Print Preview, which is part of the Internet Document Server (IDS).

Using this rule eliminates the need to run the separate GenWIP process to transfer transactions into WIP.

Note You must have separate licenses to run Documaker Desktop and IDS. Contact your sales representative for more information.





The order in which you place the ConvertWIP rule is important. Place it in front of the PrintFormset, WriteOutput, and WriteNAFile rules, as shown here:

;NoGenTrnTransactionProc;2;required to combine GenTran/GenData;





The PrintFormset rule is required to combine the GenData and GenPrint processes into a single step.

See also