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Use this form set level rule with the ImportFile or ImportExtract rule to map the data you are importing. You can also use this rule with any other rule, such as a custom rule, that fills in field dictionary values (like the standard V2 import methods).

Normally, when you use this type of import, you would replace the NoOpFunc rule to do mapping via the DDT files, or you would use the MapFromImportData rule on each field in the DDT file.

If, however, you have two environments — one that does imports and one that does regular batch processing — you may not want to maintain two sets of DDT files. Therefore, you could use this rule if you do not plan to execute any field level rules.



This rule loads the section and tries to get the data dictionary value of each field created during the import. If you do not want the field level rules to execute in the DDT file, use the JDT rule that skips field processing. Here is an example:

<Base Image Rules>



<Base Field Rules>

;WIPFieldProc;4;No field processing;

Note While the assumption is that you use this rule when you want to skip normal field processing, there is no requirement that you do so. If you omit the WIPFieldProc rule, the field level rules will execute. Depending on the rules you have assigned to your fields, this may cause errors, or may override the data that was actually imported.

Standard data importing can supply field data at various levels, such as: form set global, form global, and image local.

Each occurrence of a field with the same name and declared using the form set global scope will normally have the same value. Form global scope applies to similarly defined fields only within a given form. Image local scope means the field is specific to that section.

Import files sometimes specify all field data at the section level and do not separate out form set or form global data. This rule first tries to get each field's data at the dictionary scope level defined in the FAP file. If a form set or form global value cannot be found for a field, a second search is done at the section level.

Note This approach supports both types of import files — those that specify all data at the section level and those that separate out data at the appropriately defined scope levels.

See also