You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > LoadDDTDefs


Use this job level rule to load the field rules from the MASTER.DDT file into an internal linked list. You must include this rule in the AFGJDT.JDT file if your field level rules are defined in the MASTER.DDT file.

This rule is used with the Master field level rule.



If you have variable fields that you use on most of your forms, such as Name and Address fields, you can use the MASTER.DDT file to store these variable field mappings.

If you use the MASTER.DDT file, add the Master rule to all variable fields on the section. The Master rule tells the system to look in the MASTER.DDT file for mapping information for those variable fields.

Using the MASTER.DDT file is helpful if you need to make a change to the variable field mapping because you only have to make changes once in the MASTER.DDT file. It’s also helpful when you are setting up complicated rules since you only have to map the fields once. Test your mappings in the MASTER.DDT file before you copy them to other variable field mappings.

