You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > LoadFormsetFromArchive


Use this form set level rule to extract a form set from a DAP archive based on archive keys stored in a standard extract file.

Note You can use the LoadFormsetFromArchive rule to replace the BuildFormList, LoadRcpTbl, and RunSetRcpTbl rules in the AFGJOB.JDT file.

Because the LoadFormsetFromArchive rule loads a complete form set, it is usually not necessary to execute the section and field level rules. To skip section and field rule processing it is necessary to specify the appropriate rules in the AFGJOB,JDT file. See the example below. If required, the loaded form set can be modified using other transaction level rules or DAL scripts.



There are no parameters for this rule, but you can use these INI options:

< LoadFormsetFromArchive >

Key =

DisplayFields =

TempFile =

Debug =




Use this option to build the search request for the APPIDX. You can specify multiple Key options if necessary. The first transaction that matches the values for the fields is extracted from archive.

You can specify the Key search value as an XML or standard flat file search mask, such as (1, HEADER). Here is another example:

Field(UNIQUEID) Search(!/Form/UNIQUEID) OFFSET(1) Length(40)

If the keys are not unique, the extracted matching transaction can be arbitrary.


(Optional) Use this option to specify a list of archive index fields you want printed to the log file and console as the system processes the transaction.


(Optional) Use this option for debugging purposes. If you include this option, the system writes the NA and POL files to the temp file model name you specify.

For example, if you specify TEMP.TXT, the NA and POL files are written to TEMPNA.TXT and TEMPPOL.TXT, respectively.


(Optional) Enter Yes to have the system write debug information into the log file.


Here is an example AFGJOB.JDT file:

/* JDT Rules for Single-Step Processing Batching By Recipient. */

<Base Rules>

;RULStandardJobProc;1;Always the first job level rule;


;InitPrint;1;required to execute gendata/genprint in single step;

/* Every form set in this base uses these rules. */

<Base Form Set Rules>







/* Every section in this base uses these rules. */

<Base Image Rules>


/* Every field in this base uses these rules. */

<Base Field Rules>


See also