You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > ServerJobProc


Use this job level rule when you use the Internet Document Server (IDS) to run Documaker. This rule replaces the RULStandardJobProc rule.

Note You must have a license to both IDS and Documaker to use this rule. For more information on setting up IDS and Documaker, see the Internet Document Server Guide.



Insert this rule in the AFGJOB.JDT file as the first rule.

This rule looks for a job ticket file in the current working directory and loads it as an XML file. All of the values on the XML tree are added to or updated in the INI options. After Documaker finishes processing, the rule checks the status. If there are errors, it returns a no more bases return code on the next iteration. This terminates Documaker.

This rule uses a polling technique—sleep a while and check for the file existence— which you can configure using INI options. The rule loads the job ticket and sets INI options used when running subsequent rules. On the post message, this rule creates a job log XML tree and writes it to disk. If any necessary values are missing from the XML job ticket, these values are generated and changed (or appended) in the INI context.

On RP_PRE_PROC_B, this rule creates a semaphore (gendata), which makes it possible for the IDS RPDCheckRPRun rule to detect the status of Documaker when the next processing job starts.

This rule stays in waiting status and checks for the existence of job ticket file (JOBTICKET.XML) and the rpdrunrp semaphore. As soon as the job ticket file is detected, this rule loads it onto the XML tree and uses the contents of the XML tree to update INI options in memory.

If the rule does not detect the rpdrunrp semaphore, the rule terminates Documaker by returning a msgNO_MORE_BASES return code. It also creates a GVM variable (DSISERV) so the CUSInitPrint rule can re-initialize printers after the job process is complete. This GVM variable can be used by any of the Documaker rules to detect if the Documaker is running under IDS, if different logic is needed.

On RP_POST_PROC_B, the rule writes out the job log file and removes the job ticket file. If the RULServerJobPRoc option is set to Yes, a copy of the file will be obtained for debugging purposes.

INI options

< Data >

DataPath =

ExtrFile =

MsgFile =

ErrFile =

LogFile =

DBLogFile =

NAFile =

POLFile =

NewTrn =

< PrinterInfo >

Printer =

< Printer >

Port =

< Print_Batches >

Batch1 = batch1.bch

< IDSServer >

SleepingTime =

GENSemaphoreName =

RPDSemaphoreName =

< Debug >

RULServerJobProc =

< PrintFormSet >

MultiFilePrint =

LogFileType =

LogFile =



Data control group


Used as the default path if you omit PrintPath.


Enter the name and path of the extract file.


Enter the name and path of the message file.


Enter the name and path of the error file.


Enter the name and path of the log file.


Enter the name and path of the DB log file.


Enter the name and path of the NA file.


Enter the name and path of the POL file.


Enter the name and path of the NewTrn file.

PrinterInfo control group


Enter the designated printers for print batches.

Printer control group


Enter the name of the print batch file for each designated printer. Note the group name is defined by the printer option in the PrinterInfo control group.

Print_Batches control group


Then name of the batch file.

IDSServer control group


Enter the amount of time in milliseconds you want the system to wait before it checks for a job ticket. The default is 1000 (1 second).


Enter the name of the semaphore. The default is gendata.


Enter the name of the semaphore. The default is rpdrunrp.

Debug control group


Enter Yes to get a copy of the job ticket file before the system removes it.

PrintFormSet control group


Enter Yes to generate multiple print files which use 46-byte unique names.

To identify which recipients are in which print batch, enter No or omit this option.This causes the PrintFormSet rule to save the printer for the print batch along with its recipient information. The ServerJobProc rule then adds three new tags for each print batch file and adds them to the JOBLOG.XML file.

For example, for the print batch file on PRINTER1, the system creates these new tags:




The MultiFilePrint option should only be used with the PDF, RTF, HTML, and XML print drivers.


Specify the type of print log file, such as XML or TEXT.


Enter the name and path of the print log file. If you omit the extension, the system uses the LogFileType option to determine the extension.

Input file


Output file


See also