You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > StandardFieldProc


You must include this form set level rule in the AFGJOB.JDT file if you are running in single-step mode. The StandardFieldProc rule should be the first field level rule in your AFGJOB.JDT file.

This rule tells the system to process each field on all of the sections triggered by the SETRCPTB.DAT file.




There are no parameters for this rule.

If the field has not yet been loaded, this rule loads it and then determines what type of field it is. If the field is not a text area, this rule sets the field data. If field is not a bar code or a text area, the rule sets field text.

If the field is a bar code, this rule validates and stores the bar code data. If there is an error with the data, the system writes a warning message to the error file, sends the transaction to the manual batch and continues the processing run.



See also