You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > WIPTransactions


Use this form set level rule to process WIP transactions (manually approved or rejected in Documaker Desktop) in place of the RULStandardTransactionProc or NoGenTrnTransactionProc rules.

This rule processes WIP transactions and places them into batch files for GenPrint and GenArc processing. To specify which transactions, you use codes which you define in the Status_CD control group. If a WIP transaction has a status code that is not among the list of codes to be processed, the system deletes the transaction and WIP file.

The parameters for this rule are the status codes for which the user needs to process WIP transactions. The codes are located in the Status_CD control group. If you are using more than one status code, separate the codes with commas, as shown here:


Note Do not use this rule with the RULStandardTransactionProc or NoGenTrnTransactionProc rule.

The following rules are also used with this rule:

? MergeWIP - specifies the codes to look for
? GVM2GVM - copies the data from one GVM variable to another
? WIPImageProc - used in place of RULStandardImageProc or StandardImageProc
? WIPFieldProc - used in place of RULStandardFieldProc or StandardFieldProc

Using these rules in a simplified AFGJOB.JDT file and with INI options, you can input or merge WIP transactions (manually approved or rejected in Documaker Desktop) into a GenData processing run as new data or data appended to an existing GenData processed MRL (one that already has NEWTRN.DAT, NAFILE.DAT, and POLFILE.DAT files). These new or merged transactions can then be printed, archived, or both.

For instance, a typical use of these rules would is to take the results of a GenData run (NEWTRN.DAT, NAFILE.DAT, POLFILE.DAT, and print batch files) and process those files using the GenWIP program. You then open in the Documaker Desktop transactions sent to WIP and manually approve or reject them. Next, you run those WIP transactions (form sets) through the GenData process. The result is files ready for the GenPrint and GenArc programs.



Use the StatusCode parameters to define the status codes you want the system to use as it selects the WIP transactions to process.

After a transaction is processed, the system deletes it from the WIP list.

If you include a slash (/) before the StatusCode parameter, it tells the system not to delete the transactions with that status after it processes then, but instead assign them a new status. Here is an example:


In this example, the slash (/) tells the system to process WIP transactions with an APPROVED or FINAL status and then change their status to PRINTED. The WIP transactions are not deleted.



Here is an example of how to define the codes in the Status_CD control group:

< Status_CD >

Approved = AP

Rejected = RJ

If the batch system does not need to process transactions with a certain code, such as Rejected, omit that code from the parameter list for this rule. When the system encounters a code not on the list, it deletes that transaction.

See also