You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > BatchingByRecipINI


Use this form set level rule to send transactions to a batch you specify based on data in the extract file and conditions and recipients specified using INI options.



You pass parameters for this rule using the BatchingByRecip control group in your FSISYS.INI or FSIUSER.INI file. Make sure this control group is in the INI file and includes these options:

The DefaultBatch option has only one parameter, a literal name such as Default. Do not enclose it in quotation marks.

The syntax for the Batch_Recip_Def option is shown here:

Condition; ”BatchName”; Recipient




You can use these keywords:


A condition name defined in the condition table.


If the error batch flag is set by another rule, send the form set to the specified batch (if the form’s recipient is specified in the recipient list for the batch). For example, an error occurs if the Host Required field is set on a Move_It rule and the data is missing.


If the manual batch flag is set by another rule; send the form set to the specified batch (if the recipient is specified in the recipient list for the batch). An example of another rule you could use is the KickToWip rule.


The condition is always true; send the form set to the specified batch (if the recipient is specified in the recipient list for the batch).

Search mask

The search mask consists of one or more offset,data pairs.

Batch name

Batch name from the extract file. The format is a comma-delimited field: a search mask followed by a blank space and then an offset, followed by the length of name to use. Keep in mind the batch name is limited to eight characters. You can use these keywords:

Recip_Name means to use the desired recipient as defined in the Application Definition setup within Documaker Studio.

Dict( ) – The batch name defined in the Record Dictionary. Enclose this name in quotes, such as “Batch1”.

Use the pipe symbol (|) to indicate separate items concatenated together.


Enter All for all recipients or list the recipient names. If you list the names, separate each recipient with a comma or space.

If the conditions are met, the batch you specified is used as the batch for the form set, provided the form set’s recipients are specified in the recipient list for the batch. In addition, the system writes the batch record for the form set to the batches for the specified recipients.

If a transaction does not meet the first condition, processing continues through the INI list. Processing stops once the appropriate batch is found.

If a transaction does not meet one of the Batch_Recip_Def criteria, the system places it in the default batch. If you do not define the DefaultBatch option, an error occurs.

The order in which you list the Batch_Recip_Def options determines how the system determines recipient batches. Put the most likely batches first. Use All rather than listing all recipients when appropriate.


For this example, assume you have this rule in the AFGJOB.JDT file:


And these INI options:

< BatchingByRecip >

DefaultBatch = default

Batch_Recip_Def = 4,1234567;"BATCH1";INSURED

Batch_Recip_Def = true;"BATCH2";INSURED

Batch_Recip_Def = true;"BATCH5";COMPANY AGENT

The DefaultBatch option tells the system that any output which has not already been sent to a batch by one of the Batch_Recip_Def options should be placed in the default batch:

DefaultBatch = default

You must set up the batch name under the Print_Batches control group.

The first Batch_Recip_Def option tells the system to place into BATCH1 any output which goes to the INSURED recipient and has 1234567 beginning at position 4 in the extract file:

Batch_Recip_Def = 4,1234567;"BATCH1";INSURED


The next Batch_Recip_Def option tells the system to place all recipients named INSURED into BATCH2:

Batch_Recip_Def = true;"BATCH2";INSURED


This Batch_Recip_Def option follows the same syntax as the earlier examples, but shows how you can use the pipe symbol to place two segments on one line:

Batch_Recip_Def = true;”BATCH”|”5”;COMPANY AGENT

The last Batch_Recip_Def option tells the system to place all recipients named COMPANY and AGENT into the concatenated name BATCH5.

As shown earlier, you have to specify the batch name under Print_Batches and the recipient name under RECIP_NAMES.

See also