You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > BuildExcludeList


Use this job level rule to selectively exclude transactions from being processed in one- and two-step mode processing.

You must include this rule in the AFGJOB.JDT file because neither one- nor two-step mode executes the GenTran program which processes transactions during multi-step processing.

Note You must define the transactions to be excluded in a file specified by the Exclude option in the Data control group. In addition, this rule does not remove excluded transactions from the extract file as would occur in multi-step processing.




Assume your master resource library has the following items defined. Your FSIUSER.INI file looks like this:

< Data >

Exclude = Exclude.dat

You have a file named JONES.DAT in DefLib. This file contains:



Your AFGJOB.JDT file looks like this:

<Base Rules>





<Base Form Set Rules>


Your extract file looks like this:

RG1001 HEADER CWNGCIS 030201 Roberts J

RG1002 HEADER CWNGCIS 030201 Brown T

RG1003 HEADER CWNGCIS 030201 Jones M

RG1004 HEADER CWNGCIS 030201 Smiths K

RG1005 HEADER CWNGCIS 030201 Jones L

In this example the system processes all of the transactions except RG1003 and RG1005. These transactions are excluded because the search mask criteria (35,Jones) defined in the EXCLUDE.DAT file was found in both transactions.