You are here: Job and Form Set Rules Reference > JDT Rules Reference > GetLOB


Use this form set level rule to get the line of business (from the Key2 field) code from the extract data, and to get its equivalent value from the INI file for use by the system.



This rule gets the line of business (Key2 field) code from the extract data using the GetRecord search criteria specified in the data field. This rule also sets the line of business—stored in the master transaction set—to the value defined in the INI file. In the INI file, this value is stored in the Key2Table control group under the option name which equals the value returned by GetRecord.


;GetLOB;;17,PMSP0200 100,3;

In this example the system searches the extract data for the first record which meets the GetRecord search criteria of having PMSP0200 at offset 17. From this record, the system extracts three characters at position 100, and uses those characters to look up the line of business in the INI file. It is this value in the FSISYS.INI file which should be used to identify the KEY2 value or the Group Name for the formset. For example, if in the FSISYS.INI file the three characters at position 100 were CFR, the associated line in the Key2Table control group would look something like:

< Key2Table >


See also