PeopleSoft on Autonomous Database FAQ

Find the answers to all your questions about PeopleSoft on the Oracle Autonomous Database.


    Frequently asked questions

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  • 1. What is the Autonomous Database?

    Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) is the world’s first autonomous data management system in the cloud to deliver automated patching, upgrades, and tuning—including performing all routine database maintenance tasks while the system is running—without human intervention. This new autonomous database cloud is self-driving, self-securing, and self-repairing, and thereby eliminates manual database management and human errors.

    Oracle Autonomous Database is fully elastic: you simply specify the number of ECPUs (elastic compute units) and the storage capacity for the database. At any time, you may scale—increase or decrease either the ECPUs or the storage capacity. For more details on the capabilities of Oracle Autonomous Database, refer to Oracle Autonomous Database features and Oracle Autonomous Database strategy.

  • 2. What is the difference between an Autonomous Database on Dedicated Infrastructure (ADB-D) versus Autonomous Database Serverless (ADB-S) deployment?

    An ADB-D deployment (also shortened to Dedicated) is a deployment choice that enables you to provision autonomous databases into their own dedicated Exadata cloud infrastructure, instead of in a shared infrastructure with other tenants. ADB-D is also available in customers' data centers with Exadata Cloud@Customer.

    With an ADB-S deployment (also shortened to Serverless and formerly known as Shared Infrastructure), which is the simplest configuration, you can quickly get started with no minimum commitment, enjoying quick database provisioning and independent scalability of compute and storage.

    All deployment options (ADB-S, ADB-D, and Dedicated Cloud@Customer) are available with Autonomous Transaction Processing and Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW). Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse provides a fully managed database that is tuned and optimized for data warehouse workloads. Autonomous Transaction Processing enables businesses to safely run a complex mix of high-performance application transactions like PeopleSoft, including reporting, batch, and machine learning. Note: Oracle has not certified ADW with PeopleSoft.

  • 3. Does Oracle PeopleSoft support both ADB-D and ADB-S deployments?

    Yes it does. Please refer to certification details outlined in entries in the Tech Update Main Page (Doc ID 764222.1) on MOS for the minimum required PeopleTools release and patch levels.

  • 4. What are the benefits of using Autonomous Database with PeopleSoft installations?

    Oracle Autonomous Database provides a level of performance and reliability that manually managed databases cannot deliver. Compared to a manually managed database, the Autonomous Database costs less to run and maintain, provides greater availability, reduces human error, and is more secure—all contributing to improved performance. PeopleSoft customers can leverage the capabilities of the Oracle Autonomous Database and reap significant benefits from it.

    Human labor eliminated: The Oracle Autonomous Database eliminates human labor for most database administration activities such as provisioning, securing, monitoring, tuning and troubleshooting databases. This results in reduced costs and human labor, which PeopleSoft customers can leverage for accelerating innovation in their core business areas.

    Increased system availability: The Autonomous Database automatically recovers itself from any physical failure either at the data center or server level. It updates the database, operating system, virtual machine, clusterware, hypervisor, or firmware in a rolling fashion without any application downtime. With zero application downtime, the Autonomous Database provides increased system availability and business continuity, eliminating any impact on business operations.

    Reduced risk: The Autonomous Database protects itself from vulnerabilities by applying database, operating system and security patches every quarter. The patches are applied in a rolling fashion across the nodes of the database cluster, ensuring zero application downtime.

    Leveraging future Oracle innovation: The Autonomous Database with its advanced capabilities is a perfect steppingstone for PeopleSoft customers to leverage and benefit from future Oracle innovation. This helps PeopleSoft customers set a solid foundation for leveraging any future value-driven innovation from Oracle that provides them with significant business benefits.

  • 5. How do I connect to the Autonomous Database?

    ADB is built upon the Oracle Database, therefore, applications and tools that support Oracle Database also support ADB. These tools and applications connect to the service using standard database connectivity.

  • 6. Can I run Autonomous Database in my data center?

    Refer to this page for the full list of cloud data centers: public cloud regions. In addition, Autonomous Database can be run on a Cloud@Customer system in your data center.

  • 7. What are the provisioning options for Autonomous Database?

    You can provision a license-included version of ADB, or you can provision a Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) instance. If you wish to use BYOL, then you must apply current database licenses to your ADB service.

  • 8. Where can I get more information on licensing requirements for Oracle Autonomous Database?

  • 9. What PeopleSoft application and PeopleTools releases are supported?

    Autonomous Database is certified with PeopleSoft applications running PeopleTools 8.57.16 and later, PeopleTools 8.58.05 and later, and any release after PeopleTools 8.59.01. See Autonomous entries in the Tech Update – Main Page(Doc ID 764222.1) for additional information.

  • 10. Does PeopleSoft Cloud Manager support Autonomous Database?

    PeopleSoft Cloud Manager added support for ADB-D with image 12. Support for ADB-S was added in Cloud Manager image 13.

  • 11. How does automatic patching work with ADB?

    For Oracle Autonomous Database, the patching is carried out at the Exadata infrastructure layer and the container database layer. Using ADB-D, you can choose a 4-hour maintenance window during which the maintenance activities can be carried out. The database nodes will be patched one after another and automatically brought back to normal state once the process is completed. The patching can start and stop at any time within the 4-hour window and the entire 4 hours might or might not be consumed for the patching activity, depending upon the patch being applied. The order of patching is automatically determined. Some of the nodes might be automatically grouped to enable parallel patching to reduce the time taken for patching.

    You have the flexibility to define the time, day, week and month of the year when the patching needs to take place through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. Although there is no downtime for patching, Oracle recommends that you provide this window during off-business hours or low-operations hours. You can also view the maintenance history and the details of the upcoming maintenance windows through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

    ADB-S uses predefined maintenance windows to automatically patch your database. You can view maintenance and patch information and see details for Autonomous Database maintenance history. For more information, please see the following resources on the maintenance window.

  • 12. Can I defer the maintenance patching so that it does not impact critical periods for my business?

    Yes, with ADB-D, there is schedule flexibility. For ADB-S, a scheduled maintenance modification may be possible. An SR would be filed to make the request for a different two-hour window.

    Please refer to the following for more information:

  • 13. Can PeopleSoft installations use automatic indexing with Autonomous Database?

    Currently, Oracle does not support the use of automatic indexing on PeopleSoft installations. We continue to work with the database team toward its certification.

  • 14. Where can I find more information on using Autonomous Database with PeopleSoft?

    Check out the PeopleSoft on Autonomous Database page for additional information.