Copying and Pasting Linked Matrixes

To view and edit a linked matrix that has already been defined, see Viewing and Editing Linked Matrixes.

You can also copy a linked matrix, which is useful when you want to apply the same correlation matrix to different sets of assumptions. The procedure is almost identical to copying and pasting unlinked Crystal Ball data (Copying Crystal Ball Data).

  To copy a linked matrix:

  1. Select all assumptions associated with the linked matrix (Cell Selection Rules for Smart Selection).

  2. Select Copy in the Crystal Ball ribbon.

  3. Select a range of cells to receive the copied assumptions and then select Paste.

A copy of the linked matrix is created for each even multiple of assumptions pasted. For example, if three assumptions are copied and pasted into seven cells, the matrix is copied twice into the first six cells. Nothing is pasted into the seventh cell since there are not enough cells selected for a complete three-cell matrix.


If you do not copy a complete matrix, nothing is pasted. If you copy a complete matrix plus additional cells, any linked matrixes related to the additional cells are not pasted.