About Crystal Ball EPM Simulations

With other EPM applications, such Planning, you can only change a small view or slice of the data at one time. Scenario analysis results in a single view of the business and does not include the likelihood of achieving any particular outcome. Using Crystal Ball EPM, you can describe ranges of possible values for the uncertain factors and drivers in your application. For example, you can define a key “Cost of Goods Sold” ratio as being any value between 70% and 80% instead of a single-point estimate of 75% and then use this as a simulation input. Through a technique known as Monte Carlo simulation, Crystal Ball EPM forecasts the entire range of results possible for a given situation. It also shows you confidence levels, so you know the likelihood of any specific event taking place.

You can also use Crystal Ball EPM within Smart View to build models based on any data that can be entered into Smart View directly or loaded from applications that are compatible with Smart View. These models, however, must include calculation formulas; they do not communicate with underlying applications and cannot use their business rules.

For basic information about adding Crystal Ball assumptions, decision variables, and forecasts to projects and worksheets, see previous chapters of this Guide.