Using Shared Categories

If other users have published categories in a shared folder on their computers or the network, you can access them for use with the Distribution Gallery. This is called subscribing to categories.

  To subscribe to a category, learn its name and location, and then:

  1. Open the Distribution Gallery and select Categories, and then Subscribe.

  2. In the Subscribe to a Category dialog, click Add.

  3. Locate the target folder and click OK to add the new path to the Subscribe to a Category dialog box.

  4. Click OK to load all categories in the listed paths.

    All loaded categories are available for use as if they were on the local computer.


    Shared categories can be used like local categories in most ways. However, they cannot be modified unless they also exist in a folder on the local computer. If several users copy a published category locally and then modify it, they can publish their own versions and overwrite each others’ changes. If you are publishing a category, you may want to make the shared folder read-only to avoid this problem.

  To edit or delete a path, or rearrange the path order:

  1. Open the Subscribe to a Category dialog as described in step 2 in the previous steps.

  2. Select the path to a target category.

  3. Click an action button: Edit, Delete, Move Up, or Move Down.

  4. When you are finished, click OK.

If you delete a path to a subscribed category, that category disappears from the Category pane of the Distribution Gallery. You can resubscribe to it at any time to use it again.


For more information, see the Oracle Crystal Ball Reference and Examples Guide.