Entering Cell References and Formulas

In addition to numeric values, you can enter a reference to a specific cell in a parameter text box. Cell references must be preceded by an equal sign (=). Cell references can be either absolute or relative. You can also enter formulas and range names.

If necessary, you can press F4 to change references from relative to absolute or back to relative. This also applies to cell references in text boxes other than assumption parameters.


All cell references in parameters are treated like absolute references when cutting and pasting Crystal Ball data. Crystal Ball always stores the cell reference in A1 format even if the Microsoft Excel preference is set to R1C1 format. The global R1C1 format preference is not affected by running Crystal Ball, but the name ranges are, in fact, changed to A1 format since that is the way Crystal Ball stores them.

To show cell references instead of current values when you enter them in parameter text boxes, select Parameters, and then Show Cell References in the Define Assumption dialog.