Compatibility and File Conversion Issues

Microsoft Excel 2007 or later workbooks can be saved in several file formats that are significantly different from those for previous versions of Microsoft Excel.


Be sure Crystal Ball is loaded before opening a workbook with extension .xls that contains Crystal Ball data or before saving a model to any format in Microsoft Excel 2007 or later.

For detailed information, see the migration appendix in the Oracle Crystal Ball Installation and Licensing Guide.

Files from earlier versions of Crystal Ball — including the Crystal Ball Example files — are converted automatically when you save them in the current version of Crystal Ball on Microsoft Excel 2007 or later. Files from earlier versions are opened in compatibility mode. [Compatibility Mode] is displayed after the workbook name in the title bar.


If you open the Example files in Windows Vista, they are read-only. To edit or customize them, save them under another name before you run a simulation.