Restoring Crystal Ball Simulation Results

  To restore Crystal Ball simulation results that you saved earlier:

  1. Select Save or Restore, and then Restore Results.

  2. Select the results file (.cbr file type) to restore and click Open.

To remove restored results from memory, select View Charts, and then Close All.


Because you are restoring results and not simulation cell definitions or data, you do not need to reset the simulation before restoring results.

Results files can be restored at any time, regardless of whether the original workbooks are open or whether another simulation has run or not. You can open as many results files as you want, but you can only select one at a time in the Restore Results dialog.

After you have restored one or more Crystal Ball results files, you can open and close restored charts, create new reports using them, and extract their data to spreadsheets. You can create overlay and trend charts with restored results and results from the current simulation to compare data. The results are displayed in dialogs following those for the current simulation.

If you calculate capability metrics, store the results in a .cbr file, and then restore the results, the restored results use the preference settings on the computer where the results are restored. These may be different from the settings when the original simulation was run and stored. Crystal Ball refits the data when the results are restored, so results may differ somewhat from the original results.