Setting the Chart Type

Depending on the basic chart type (assumption, forecast, trend, overlay, or sensitivity), you can select from among several chart display types, such as column, line, area, bar, or pie.

  To change the chart display type:

  1. Select the Chart Type tab of the Chart Preferences dialog.

    If more than one series is displayed in the list box at the top of the tab, the settings on the tab apply to the selected series.

  2. To change the chart display type, open the Type drop-down list and select a display type. Depending on the basic chart and series types, you can select from among these display types (not including scatter charts):

    Table 7. Chart Types  




    Column Chart


    Displays data as vertical columns that correspond to the group intervals (chart bins) of the data. The column chart is the default chart type for generated data in assumption, forecast, and overlay charts.

    Line Chart


    Shows data as an outline of the peaks and valleys.

    Area Chart


    Shows data as darkened peaks and valleys.

    Directional Bar Chart

    Bar (directional)

    Shows sensitivity data as horizontal bars to the right and left of the 0 line showing magnitude and direction of sensitivity

    Magnitude Bar Chart

    Bar (magnitude)

    Shows sensitivity data as horizontal bars to the right of the 0 line showing magnitude of sensitivity but not direction

    Pie Chart


    Shows sensitivity data as a circle divided into proportional “slices” showing the magnitude of sensitivity

  3. Optional: Consider adjusting the chart color (Setting Chart Colors) and marker line settings (Showing the Mean and Other Marker Lines) too.

  4. When settings for the current series are complete, follow steps 2 through 3 to customize settings for any other series in the chart.

  5. When all settings are complete, click OK.