Customizing Chart Axes and Axis Labels

You can customize the label, scale, and format of the main axis in Crystal Ball charts.

  To customize chart axes:

  1. Display the Axis tab of the Chart Preferences dialog.

  2. By default, Auto is selected in the Axis Label group. A label is automatically assigned. To enter a custom axis label, clear Auto and type a more descriptive label.

  3. Optional: Adjust the Scale settings. By default, Auto is displayed and end points are automatically selected. To use another scale, select it from the Type list and enter the minimum (Min) and maximum (Max) values.

    Most chart/axis combinations offer Fixed as an alternative. The value axis for assumption, forecast, and overlay charts also offers Standard Deviation and Percentile.

  4. The Format Number settings control the format of the axis label numbers:

    • For Format settings, Cell Format uses the format of the underlying cell. Most choices are similar to those used in Microsoft Excel: General, Number, Currency, Scientific, Percentage, or Date.

    • The Decimal settings control the number of decimal points.

    • When selected, Thousand Separator inserts a thousands-separator symbol where appropriate (except when Scientific formatting is set). The thousands separator that is displayed is the one defined in Windows' International or Regional Options settings.


    The Format Number settings also control the format of assumption parameters in the Define Assumption dialog and assumption charts.

  5. When settings are complete, click OK.