Adding, Removing, and Ordering Forecasts

  To add and remove forecasts from a trend chart:

  1. In the trend chart menu bar, select Trend, and then Choose Forecasts.

  2. In the Choose Forecasts dialog, select and clear forecasts to add and remove them from the chart.

    To clear all forecast selections, select Trend, and then Remove All in step 1.

  3. Click OK to accept the settings.

  To change the order of forecasts:

  1. In the trend chart menu bar, select Preferences, then Chart, and then Chart Type.

    All charted forecasts are displayed in the Series list in their display order.

  2. Select a forecast and use the up and down arrow keys to move it up or down the list.

  3. Optional: Select Defaults at any time to restore all settings to their original default values.

  4. Optional: To apply the settings to more than one chart, click Apply To (Applying Settings to Multiple Charts).

  5. When forecasts are in order, click OK.