Setting Scatter Preferences

You can set a number of preferences that determine how and when the chart is displayed, plot sizes, and the percentage of trials that are plotted.

  To set scatter preferences:

  1. Select Preferences, and then Scatter.


  2. Optional: In the Scatter Preferences dialog, you can use the View list to change chart presentation:

    • Scatter View (1xN) shows secondary variables plotted against a target.

    • Matrix View (NxN) shows all selected variables plotted against each other.

  3. Optional: Use settings in the Window group to determine whether the chart opens automatically and, if so, when it should open.

    If Show Automatically is selected, you can select whether to display the chart while the simulation is running or after it stops.

  4. Optional: To change the size and amount of detail shown in each plot, slide the Plot Sizer left for smaller plots or right for larger plots.

  5. Optional: To determine the number of trials that are plotted relative to the total number of trials in each simulation, click the Criteria tab to display it.

    Enter a specific number or percentage of trials to display; 100% displays all trials.

  6. Optional: Click Defaults at any time to restore original default settings for the Scatter Preferences dialog or click Apply To to set new defaults, such as plot size.

  7. When all settings are complete, click OK.

You can copy scatter charts and paste them into other applications. For more information, see Copying and Pasting Charts to other Applications.