Basic Customization Instructions

These instructions apply most specifically to forecast charts. However, many of them apply to other charts as well. For that reason, they are as general as possible, although not all settings will apply to every type of chart.

  To customize a chart:

  1. Create or display a chart and be sure it is the active chart window.

  2. Either double-click the chart or select Preferences, and then Chart Preferences from the chart’s menu bar.

    The Chart Preferences dialog opens. Tab contents are as follows:

    • General — Chart title, overall appearance of the chart

    • Chart Type — Data sets (series) to display in the chart, chart type and color of plotted series, marker lines to display (optional)

    • Axis — Vertical and horizontal axes to display, axis labels, axis scales, and axis number formats

  3. Make appropriate settings.

  4. Optional: To apply the settings to more than one chart, click Apply To. Then, specify whether to apply all chart preferences or just the current tab and whether to apply them to the current Microsoft Excel sheet, all sheets in the workbook, or all open and new workbooks and click OK. Otherwise, go to step 5.

  5. Click OK to apply the settings on all tabs to the active chart.

For a list of customizations you can perform on each tab, see Setting General Chart Preferences.