Defining Forecasts

After you define the assumption cells and decision variables, you are ready to select and define forecast cells. Forecast cells usually contain formulas that refer to one or more assumption and decision variable cells. The forecast cells combine cells in the model to produce the results you need.

  To define  forecast cells:

  1. Select a formula cell or a range of formula cells.

  2. Select Define Forecast, Define Forecast button, in the Crystal Ball ribbon.

    The  Define Forecast dialog opens .

    If you have activated Crystal Ball’s process capability features, additional text boxes are displayed. These are described in Setting Specification Limits and Targets.

  3. Complete the Define Forecast dialog:

    • Name is the name of the forecast.

    • Units is the name of the units that are displayed at the bottom of the forecast chart, such as Millions.

  4. To set additional forecast preferences, click the More button, More button, to expand the Define Forecast dialog.

    The expanded Define Forecast dialog has four tabs of additional options and text boxes, listed in Setting Forecast Preferences.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Repeat steps 1–4 for each forecast in the model.

Clicking Defaults in the expanded Define Forecast dialog restores the original default settings in place of any new settings you have made. You can also click Apply To to use the settings in other charts and worksheets.