Filtering Values When Fitting Distributions

When fitting distributions for assumptions, you can filter historical data to use only data values that fall within specified value ranges. Unused values are not permanently deleted, only discarded for the purpose of distribution fitting.


Once used, filter settings are saved as global preferences and are used each time you select Filter data in the Fit Distribution dialog until you change the settings.

  To filter historical values for distribution fitting:

  1. In the Fit Distribution dialog, select Filter Data.

  2. In the Filter Data dialog, select one of the following:

    • Include Values In The Range — Includes all values for distribution fitting if they fall within the two values in the range text boxes and discards values that fall above or below the entered values. Defaults are -Infinity and +Infinity, which includes all values for fitting.

    • Exclude Values In The Range — Discards values from the forecast if they fall between the two values in the range text boxes. The range is inclusive; Crystal Ball discards values inside the range as well as values equal to the range endpoints. Defaults are -Infinity and +Infinity, which discards all values for fitting.

  3. Click OK.

  To edit data filtering settings:

  1. In the Fit Distribution dialog, select Filter data, and then click Edit Filter.

  2. Change settings in the Filter Data dialog, and then click OK.