Freezing Crystal Ball Data Cells

You can use the Freeze command to “freeze” or exclude certain Crystal Ball assumption, decision variable, and forecast cells from a simulation. Then, you can investigate the effect certain cells have on the model while holding others to their worksheet values.

The Freeze command is useful when you have multiple workbooks open and do not want to include all of their data cells in a simulation. You can freeze any unwanted cells instead of closing the workbooks that contain them.

  To freeze Crystal Ball data cells:

  1. Select Freeze in the Crystal Ball ribbon.

  2. Select one or more assumptions, decision variables, or forecasts listed in the Freeze dialog.

    Use the Show buttons to hide and show cells of a particular type. Use the Select buttons to select all or none of the listed cells.

    You can also click View List to change from Tree view to List view, List button.

  3. Click OK.