Specifying Scenario Analysis Options

You can use the Options panel to:

  To specify Scenario Analysis Options:

  1. Display the Options panel.

  2. Review the Range of forecast results settings and indicate whether to analyze a range of percentiles or forecast values.

    All scenarios resulting in a forecast value that falls within the specified range are displayed in the final table, along with their corresponding assumption values. For the percentile range, enter lower and upper percentiles (both numbers between 0 and 100, or 100 to 0 if Probability above a value is selected in the Run Preferences dialog). For the forecast value range, enter the lower and upper limits for the values. The default range is –Infinity to +Infinity.

  3. In the While running group, specify which forecasts to show while running Scenario Analysis. You can show all the defined forecasts, only the target forecast, or none of the forecasts (the fastest setting).

  4. Set Simulation control to select the maximum number of trials to run.

  5. Optional: Select Include scenarios for non-target forecasts to include all forecasts in the output table.