Selecting and Reviewing Crystal Ball Data Cells

After you define assumptions, decision variables, or forecast cells and return to the spreadsheet, you may want to confirm that the cell definitions are defined as you intended.


For Select dialog help, see “Reviewing Selected Cells” later in this topic.

  To review all data cells of one type:

  1. Click Select in the Crystal Ball ribbon and then select a command: Select All Assumptions, Select All Assumptions button; Select All Decisions, Select All Decisions button; or Select All Forecasts, Select All Forecasts button.

  2. Click one of the Define icons: Define Assumption, Define Assumption button; Define Decision, Define Decision button, or Define Forecast, Define Forecast button.

    The Define dialog for the first cell opens.

  3. Optional: Change the definition.

  4. Click OK.

    If you have more than one data cell of that type, each is displayed in turn. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to review the definition for each cell.

Reviewing Selected Cells

  To review Crystal Ball data cells on any open workbook:

  1. Click Select, and then select one of the Select commands.)

    The Select dialog opens.

    By default, the dialog opens in hierarchical Tree view. All the assumptions are listed first, then all the decision variables, and finally all the forecasts.

    You can click the Assumption, Decision Variable, and Forecast buttons to show and hide assumptions, decision variables, and forecasts, respectively. If you prefer to view available cells in list format, click the List button, List button.

  2. Select the cells to review. They can be of any or all types.

  3. Click OK to highlight all the selected cells so you can change their preferences or perform other actions on them.


You can use the Select dialog to select cells on more than one worksheet but you need to activate each worksheet in turn to review and, if you want, apply a command to all the selected cells.