10 Documentation Errata

This chapter provides information about errata in Oracle RTD documentation.

This section contains the following topics:

10.1 Materialized Views

This section applies to the Oracle Real-Time Decisions Platform Developer’s Guide. In Section 18.2.5, "Report Schema", a new subsection, "Materialized Views", that contains the following information, should be added:

Four pre-defined materialized views have been created for out of the box deployment:

  • MV$_REC0 - This materialized view caters to the Generic Choice Performance Dashboard and is enabled by default

  • MV$_REC1 - This materialized view caters to Campaign and Creative Performance Dashboards of the Base Marketing application

  • MV$_REC2 - This materialized view caters to Channels, Offers and Placements Performance Dashboards of the Base Marketing application

  • MV$_REC3 - This materialized view caters to Slot and Slot Type Performance Dashboards of the Base Marketing application

Refreshing MV$_REC1, MV$_REC2 and MV$_REC3 is disabled by default. You can enable them by setting the hierarchyenabled flag to true in the SDReportOptions table of the rtd_rep user. This type of refresh is incremental in nature and so for the very first time after enabling the flag, a complete refresh should be performed by the Administrator. Subsequently the refresh of Materialized views are automatic.

The command to perform a complete refresh is:


10.2 Creating Tablespaces

In Section 2.2.1, "Creating the Oracle RTD Database", of the Oracle Real Time Decisions Installation and Administration Guide, the following should be done before the steps in Section 2.2.2, "Initializing the Oracle RTD Database Using SDDBTool":

Prior to installing this release of Oracle RTD, and if you wish to use database partitions to improve performance, the CreateTablespaces.sql script must be run on the Oracle instance, as SYS.

Both the file names for the partitions and the file sizes may be varied. The tablespace names must remain invariant as these names are used in our SQL code.

Additionally, if you are using Oracle Database 12c, set the quota for the tablespaces used by the run-time user to an appropriate level, or to unlimited, depending on your database policies. This is because, unlike 11g, with Oracle Database 12c the Resource role does not include the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege.

The tablespaces created by this script are needed as part of the SDLearning, SDDecisionLog and SDChoiceEventLog partitioned table definition. If the user does not have the Oracle DB partitioning option enabled and licensed, the SDLearning table can be created without partitioning while running SDDBTool, thus the creation of tablespaces via this script (CreateTablespaces.sql) can be bypassed.


Note that the Oracle DB partitioning option is required for the report schema created in Section 18.3.1, "Post Oracle RTD-Installation Steps" of the Oracle Real-Time Decisions Platform Developer’s Guide.