A Automated Patching Screens

This appendix contains screenshots and descriptions of the screens that you see when you run the Oracle Identity and Access Management Lifecycle Tools.

The following screenshots are described:

A.1 Patch Plan: Hosts Listed in the Environment

Description of patch_plan_html.jpg follows
Description of the illustration patch_plan_html.jpg

This figure shows an example of the hosts displayed in the patch plan that is generated when you run the Oracle Identity and Access Management Patch Manager. The plan lists the hosts in the order in which they will be patched, and the components on each host that will be patched.

A.2 Patch Plan: Patch Apply Prerequisite Phase

Description of patch_plan_phase_one.jpg follows
Description of the illustration patch_plan_phase_one.jpg

This figure shows an example of the steps listed in the Patch Apply Prerequisite Phase of a patch plan. It displays the list of steps planned for the hosts in the first phase of patching.

A.3 Patch Plan: Patch Pre-Apply Phase

Description of patch_plan_phase_two.jpg follows
Description of the illustration patch_plan_phase_two.jpg

This figure shows an example of the steps listed in the Patch Pre-Apply Phase of a patch plan. It displays the list of steps planned for the hosts in the second phase of patching.

A.4 Patch Plan: Patch Apply Phase

Description of patch_plan_phase_three.jpg follows
Description of the illustration patch_plan_phase_three.jpg

This figure shows an example of the steps listed in the Patch Apply Phase of a patch plan. It displays the list of steps planned for the hosts in the third phase of patching.

A.5 Sample Report of progress Command

Description of result_progress_command.jpg follows
Description of the illustration result_progress_command.jpg

This figure shows a sample report that is displayed when you run the progress command with the -all option.