25 Troubleshooting Upgrade Issues

This chapter describes the common issues that you may encounter during the Oracle Identity and Access Management upgrade process, and their corresponding workaround.

This chapter includes the following sections:

25.1 Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Manager Upgrade Issues

This section describes the workaround for the common issues that you may encounter during the Oracle Identity Manager upgrade process. This section includes the following topics:

25.1.1 Pre-Upgrade Report Generation Fails

This section lists the issues you might encounter while generating pre-upgrade report for Oracle Identity Manager. This section includes the following topics: Validation Failure While Generating Pre-Upgrade Report

If you get a validation error while generating the pre-upgrade report for Oracle Identity Manager, check if you have specified the correct values in the preupgrade_report_input.properties file.

Table 25-1 lists the log messages displayed during validation failure, and their respective solutions.

Table 25-1 Log Messages for Validation Failures During Pre-Upgrade Report Generation for OIM

Log Message Cause Solution

Not able to connect to the Database with the Provided Information Host:oimhost.example.com:1521/oimdb.example.com , User Name : < OIM

If Database is not in running state.

Start the Database.

Not able to connect to the Database with the Provided Information Host:oimhost.example.com:1521/oimdb.example.com , User Name :<OIM schema user>

If OIM schema password is incorrect.

Check the OIM schema username and password that you have specified in the preupgrade_report_input.properties file.

Not able to connect to the Database with the Provided Information Host:oimhost.example.com:1521/oimdb.example.com , User Name : < MDS schema user>

If MDS schema password is incorrect.

Check the MDS schema username and password that you have specified in the preupgrade_report_input.properties file. Plugin Failure While Generating Pre-Upgrade Report

If you get a plugin failure error while generating pre-upgrade report for Oracle Identity Manager, skip the failing plugin and re-run pre-upgrade report utility. Raise a Service Request (SR) for the failed plugin. To skip the failed plugin, you must edit the PreUpgrade_Report_Directory/server/upgrade/UpgradeMetadata.xml file to remove the failed plugin.

Table 25-2 lists the log messages displayed during plugin failure, and their respective solutions.

Table 25-2 Log Messages for Plugin Failures During Pre-Upgrade Report Generation for OIM

Log Message Cause Solution

Caused by:

java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Check the PreUpgrade_Report_Directory/logs/PreUpgradeReport<time-stamp>.log.

Edit the PreUpgrade_Report_Directory/server/upgrade/UpgradeMetadata.xml file to remove the failed plugin.

Table 25-3 provides the list of plugins and reports.

Table 25-3 List of Plugins and Reports

Plugin Report




























25.1.2 Pre-Upgrade Utility Reports Invalid Objects in OIM Schema

The following invalid triggers are found in the Oracle Identity Manager schema:


These are the triggers of Resource Form which are no longer used. Therefore, you can ignore this.

25.1.3 Oracle Identity Manager Binary Upgrade Fails

Oracle Identity Manager binary upgrade fails if you are not using the correct OPatch version. The OPatch version supported for Oracle Identity Manager is Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Therefore, verify the OPatch version before you upgrade Oracle Identity Manager binaries.

For any other issues during Oracle Identity Manager binary upgrade, check the installation log files. For information about locating the installation log files, see "Locating Installation Log Files" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management.

25.1.4 Patch Set Assistant (PSA) Fails

If Patch Set Assistant (PSA) is stuck for a long time, you can check the block that is currently being executed. The last block at the end of the PSA log file is the block that is currently being executed. The following is the location of the PSA logs:

  • On UNIX: MW_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/logs/psa<time_stamp>.log

  • On Windows: MW_HOME\Oracle_common\upgrade\logs\psa<time_stamp>.log

For any other issues encountered during upgrading schemas using PSA, check the PSA logs, fix the issue, and run the PSA again.

25.1.5 Upgrade Assistant (UA) Fails

If Upgrade Assistant (UA) fails during Oracle Identity Manager upgrade, check the UA logs at the following location:

  • On UNIX: ORACLE_HOME/upgrade/logs/ua<time_stamp>.log

  • On Windows: ORACLE_HOME\upgrade\logs\ua<time_stamp>.log

Fix the issue, and run the UA again.

25.1.6 Backups Taken by OIM Middle Tier Upgrade Utility

The Oracle Identity Manager middle tier upgrade utility backs up the domain configuration, before and after middle tier offline upgrade which can be used for debugging. These backed up files are located in the ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/OIMUpgrade_backup/ directory.

You can restore these backups if required.

Table 25-4 lists the backups taken by the OIM middle tier offline upgrade utility.

Table 25-4 Backups Taken by Middle Tier Offline Upgrade Utility

File Name Description Timing


This is the backup of the DOMAIN_HOME/init-domain/domain-info.xml file.

After the OIM middle tier offline execution.


This is the backup of the DOMAIN_HOME/config folder.

After the OIM middle tier offline execution.


This is the backup of DOMAIN_HOME/init-domain/domain-info.xml file.

Before the OIM middle tier offline execution.


This is the backup of the DOMAIN_HOME/config folder.

Before the OIM middle tier offline execution.


This is the backup of policies. This back up is taken if you are upgrading OIM 11.1.2.x.x environments.

Before the OIM middle tier offline execution.

25.1.7 Errors or Warnings During Oracle Identity Manager Middle Tier Offline Upgrade

If Oracle Identity Manager middle tier offline upgrade fails, you must do the following:

  • Check the HTML reports generated at ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_offline. If there are any issues, fix them and run the Oracle Identity Manager middle tier offline upgrade tool again.

  • Check the logs files located at ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/. For the list of logs generated for Oracle Identity Manager middle tier offline upgrade, see Table 24-11, "Logs Generated for OIM Middle Tier Offline Upgrade". Fix the issue, if any, and re-run the middle offline upgrade.

This section includes the following topics: Validation Failures During OIM Middle Tier Offline Upgrade

For any validation failures during Oracle Identity Manager middle tier offline upgrade, see the log messages listed in Table 25-5 and perform the necessary action.

Table 25-5 Log Messages for Validation Failure During OIM Middle Tier Offline Upgrade

Log Message Cause Workaround

Not able to connect to the Database with the Provided Information Host :oimhost.example.com:1521/oimdb.example.com, User Name : < OIM schema user>

If Database is not up and running.

Start the Database.

Not able to connect to the Database with the Provided Information Host :oimhost.example.com:1521/oimdb.example.com , User Name :<OIM schema user>

If OIM schema credentials are incorrect.

Check the OIM schema username and password in the oim_upgrade_input.properties file located at ORACLE_HOME/server/bin/.

Not able to connect to the Database with the Provided Information Host :oimhost.example.com:1521/oimdb.example.com , User Name : < MDS schema user>

If Metadata Services (MDS) schema credentials are incorrect.

Check the MDS schema username and password in the oim_upgrade_input.properties file located at ORACLE_HOME/server/bin/.

Not able to connect to the Database with the Provided Information Host :oimhost.example.com:1521/oimdb.example.com , User Name : < SOA schema user>

If Oracle SOA Suite (SOAINFRA) schema credentials are incorrect.

Check the username and password of the SOAINFRA schema.

Target version property is not in correct format like

If the target version specified in the preupgrade_report_input.properties is not in correct format.

Specify the target version as

Please shutdown the admin server for running Mid-Tier Upgrade in offline mode


Please shutdown the soa server for running Mid-Tier Upgrade in offline mode


Not able to run the Mid-Tier Upgrade Using above data

If the WebLogic Administration Server or Oracle SOA Suite Managed Server(s) or Oracle Identity Manager Managed Server(s) are in running state.

Shut down the WebLogic Administration Server, Oracle SOA Suite Managed Server(s), and Oracle Identity Manager Managed Server(s) before running the OIM middle tier offline upgrade.

Error in reading the properties filenull

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

at oracle.iam.oimupgrade.standalone.utils.WriteLog.write(WriteLog.java:47)

at oracle.iam.oimupgrade.standalone.utils.OfflineUpgradeUtil.checkTemplateApplied(OfflineUpgradeUtil.java:325)

at oracle.iam.oimupgrade.standalone.OIMONEHOPUpgrade.getInputsFromPropertiesFile(OIMONEHOPUpgrade.java:436)

at oracle.iam.oimupgrade.standalone.OIMONEHOPUpgrade.main(OIMONEHOPUpgrade.java:158)

If the Domain Home specified in the oim_upgrade_input.properties file is incorrect.

Specify the correct OIM domain home for the property oim.domain in the oim_upgrade_input.properties file located at ORACLE_HOME/server/bin/.

Domain present at <domain_home> does not have write permissions. Please give write permission on the Domain Directory and run again

If the OIM domain directory does not have write permission

Provide Write permission to the OIM domain home directory.

Please Delete the JARS OIMAuthenticator.jar,oimsigmbean.jar,oimsignaturembean.jar,oimmbean.jar, available in server/lib/mbeantypes/oimmbean.jar from all nodes in cluster. Before Executing Mid-Tier Upgrade

If OIMAuthenticator.jar, oimsigmbean.jar, oimsignaturembean.jar, oimbean.jar are present in the specified directory.

Delete the OIMAuthenticator.jar, oimsigmbean.jar, oimsignaturembean.jar, oimbean.jar files from the location WL_HOME/server/lib/mbeantypes.

OIM MT Upgrade Prerequisite Failed .Examine for feature <Plugin Feature ID> failed

If prerequisite of any plug-in fails.

Fix the issue for the plugin feature ID <Plugin Feature ID> and re-run the OIM middle tier offline upgrade again. Plugin Failures During OIM Middle Tier Offline Upgrade

For any plugin failures during Oracle Identity Manager offline upgrade, do the following for the depending on the log message listed in Table 25-6:

  1. Open the file ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/oim-upgrade-plugin.xml, and comment out the body of the target mentioned in the Log Message column in Table 25-6.

  2. Launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) by running the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/common/bin:

    On UNIX: ./wlst.sh

    On Windows: wlst.cmd

  3. Run the python command mentioned in column Workaround with the appropriate parameters, for the corresponding log message.

  4. After the python command is successfully executed, resume the OIM middle tier offline upgrade. If it fails, raise a Service Request.

Table 25-6 Log Messages for Validation Failure During OIM Middle Tier Offline Upgrade

Log Message Ant Log File Workaround


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : migrateJazn


Run the following command:

migrateSecurityStore(type="appPolicies", configFile="ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_MODE/migrationDir/jps-config-jse.xml", srcApp="obi",overWrite="false",src="oim-bi-policystore-appPoliciesMigrate.xml", dst="default" )

In the above command, ORACLE_HOME is the absolute path to the OIM Oracle Home, and MODE if the OIM middle tier upgrade mode. In case of OIM middle tier offline upgrade, the value of MODE should be offline. In case of OIM middle tier online upgrade, the value of MODE should be online.


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : create-bip-server


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:



oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : target-bip-resources


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:



oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : apply-bip


Run the following command from the location BIP_HOME/bifoundation/install:



oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : upgradeClassPath


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

createDSoffline.py DOMAIN_HOME IS_CLUSTER "ApplicationDB" OIM_SERVER_NAME "jdbc/ApplicationDBDS" "oimApplicationDBDS" "OIMSchema_dbPassword" "OIMSChema_dbURL" "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" "OIMSchema_dbUser" "10000" "0" "0" "50"


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : configureSecurityStore


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/common/tools:

configureSecurityStore.py -d DOMAIN_HOME -m create -t DB_ORACLE -c IDM -p OPSSSchemaPassword


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : deployAppOffline


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

deployAppOffline.py DOMAIN_HOME OIM_SERVER_NAME "SCIM REST service for OIM" "OIM_HOME/server/apps/scim-oim-services.war" "WAR" "57"


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : enableJsseSsl


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

For single node environment:

enableJsseSsl.py DOMAIN_HOME OIM_SERVER_NAME "false"

For cluster environment:

enableJsseSsl.py DOMAIN_HOME OIM_CLUSTER_NAME "true"


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : applyOPSSTemplate


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

applyOPSSTemplate.py DOMAIN_HOME OIM_HOME OPSSSchemaUser OPSSSchemaPassword OPSSSchemaConnectString


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : checkClusterOIM


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:



oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : JMSModuleTarget


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

target_jrfasyncws.py DOMAIN_HOME OIMServerName


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : addTemplate


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

addTemplate.py DOMAIN_HOME MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/templates/applications/oracle.jrf.ws.async_template_11.1.1.jar


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : migrateJazn


Run the following command from the location MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/common/wlstscripts:

migrateSecurityStore.py -type policyStore -dst default -configFile ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_offline/migrationDir/jps-config-jse.xml -src jazn-data-oim.xml


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : migrateJazn


Run the following command from the location MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/common/wlstscripts:

migrateSecurityStore.py -type policyStore -dst default -configFile ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_offline/migrationDir/jps-config-jse.xml -src jazn-data-self.xml


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : miscUpgrade


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:



oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : upgradeOPSS


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:



oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : upgradeOPSS-r2


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

upgradeOPSS_R2.py JPSCONF SYSJAZN DOMAIN_HOME OPSSSchemaPassword opssUrl opssjdbcDriverName opssUser


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : deployAppOffline


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

deployAppOffline.py DOMAIN_HOME OIM_SERVER_NAME "oracle.idm.ids.config.ui#11.1.2@11.1.2" "ORACLE_HOME/modules/oracle.idm.ids.config.ui_11.1.2/oracle.idm.ids.config.ui.war" "JAR" "300"


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : deployAppOffline


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

deployAppOffline.py DOMAIN_HOME ADMIN_SERVER_NAME "oracle.idm.ipf#11.1.2@11.1.2" "ORACLE_HOME/modules/oracle.idm.ipf_11.1.2/ipf.jar" "JAR" "300"


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : upgradeClassPath


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

createDSoffline.py DOMAIN_HOME IS_CLUSTER "soaOIMLookupDB" SOA_SERVER_NAME "jdbc/soaOIMLookupDB" "soaOIMLookupDB" "OIMSChema_dbPassword" "dbPassword" "OIMSChema_dbURL" "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" "OIMSChema_dbUser" "10000" "20" "20" "20"


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : addTemplate


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

addTemplate.py DOMAIN_HOME ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/ templates/oracle.oim_r2ps2StartScript_upgrade_template.jar


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : upgradeJRF


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:



oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : addTemplate


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

addTemplate.py DOMAIN_HOME ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/ templates/oracle.oim_r2ps3WorkManager_upgrade_template.jar Other Failures During OIM Middle Tier Offline Upgrade

Table 25-7 lists the log messages for issues other than validation and plugin issues, log filename, and corresponding solutions.

Table 25-7 Other Failures During OIM Middle Tier Offline Upgrade

Log Message Ant Log File / Cause Workaround


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : oimr1ps1_upgrade_package_dogwood_top_and_oim_suite


Run the following java commands:

java -cp MW_HOME/utils/config/10.3/config-launch.jar:OIM_ORACLE_HOME/oaam/upgrade/com.oracle.cie.domain-update_1.0.0.0.jar com.oracle.cie.external.domain.DomainUpdater DOMAIN_HOME oracle.dogwood.top:,:

java -cp MW_HOME/utils/config/10.3/config-launch.jar:OIM_ORACLE_HOME/oaam/upgrade/com.oracle.cie.domain-update_1.0.0.0.jar com.oracle.cie.external.domain.DomainUpdater DOMAIN_HOME oracle.oim.suite:,:



Complete the following steps:

  1. Copy the oim_product_BIP11gReports_11_1_2_3_0.zip file from the location MW_HOME/server/reports to DOMAIN_HOME/config/bipublisher/repository/Reports.

  2. Extract the files of oim_product_BIP11gReports_11_1_2_3_0.zip from the destination location.

  3. Provide read, write, and execute permissions to the file datasourceconfig.sh (on UNIX) or datasourceconfig.cmd (on Windows).


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : create-bip-datasource

BIP plugin fails with error in log file:


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_offline/biptemp/bin/:


OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : create-bip-datasource

BIP plugin fails with error in log file:


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_offline/biptemp/bin/:


Some plugins are yet not upgraded, please Check logs and re-run MToffline or disable those plugins

Upgrade Failed. Please check the logs for further deails.Please re-run OIMUpgrade offline utility after fixing the problem. Avoid following any other step before successfully running OIMUpgrade offline utility

If some plugins are not populated in the upgrade_feature_state table.

Run OIM middle tier offline upgrade or disable the plugins that are not populated in the upgrade_feature_state_table.

./ant_MigrateJazn_bi-policystore-systemrole-jazn.xml.log:WARNING: Application role BIAdministrator does not exist

./ant_MigrateJazn_bi-policystore-systemrole-jazn.xml.log:WARNING: Application role BIConsumer does not exist

./ant_MigrateJazn_bi-policystore-systemrole-jazn.xml.log:WARNING: Application role BIAuthor does not exist


This warning can be ignored.

oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.impl.EntityManagerConfigImpl getEntityConfig

WARNING: Cannot load entity definition - java.lang.NullPointerException




oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.impl.EntityManagerConfigImpl.loadMetadata(Entity ManagerConfigImpl.java:960)


oracle.iam.platform.entitymgr.impl.EntityManagerConfigImpl.<init>(EntityManager ConfigImpl.java:203)






sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)



This warning is displayed on the console during reconciliation feature upgrade.

This warning can be ignored.

Command FAILED, Reason: JPS-00027: There was an internal error:

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P001

ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested

oracle.security.jps.internal.api.common.JpsPolicyStoreLdapNodeCreationExceptio n:

JPS-00027: There was an internal error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12801:

error signaled in parallel query server P001

ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested


This error occurs when you upgrade Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 2 ( with Bundle Patch.

To resolve this issue, either apply Patch 13099577 or use the following workaround:

Set the properties parallel_max_servers and parallel_min_servers to 0 in Database.

For example:

parallel_max_servers   integer   0
parallel_min_servers    integer   0

25.1.8 Reviewing Autodiscovery.properties File Created During the OIM Middle Tier Upgrade

Some properties are auto-discovered by the Oracle Identity Manager middle tier upgrade utility to reduce the number of properties that you need to specify manually during upgrade. When the middle tier upgrade for OIM is run for the first time, Autodiscovery.properties file is created at the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade. This file contains the following parameters that are auto-discovered by the middle tier upgrade utility:

  • opssDBSslArgs

  • opssjdbcDriverName

  • is_cluster_oim

  • soaProtocol

  • oim_target

  • weblogicProtocol

  • OPSSSchemaPassword <encrypted value>

  • opssUser

  • opssUrl

  • soa_target

  • admin_target

Autodiscovery module is executed and the Autodiscovery.properties file is created only the first time the middle tier upgrade script is run. Once this file is created, autodiscovery is not executed again. Next time when you run the middle tier upgrade script, the properties are read from the existing Autodiscovery.properties file.

If you encounter any issues during OIM middle tier upgrade, review the properties in the Autodiscovery.properties file and verify if the values are correct. If any of the values are incorrect, update them and run the middle tier upgrade utility again.

If you want all of the properties to be auto discovered again, remove the Autodiscovery.properties file from the directory ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade, and run the Oracle Identity Manager middle tier upgrade (online or offline) again.

25.1.9 Errors or Warning During Oracle Identity Manager Middle Tier Online Upgrade

If Oracle Identity Manager middle tier online upgrade fails, you must do the following:

  • Check the HTML reports generated at ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_online.

  • Check the following logs files generated at ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/logs/MT/:

    • OIMUpgrade_online<timestamp>.log

    • ant_createUserInSecurityRealm_BISystemUser.log

    • ant_updateBIPJmsSecurity.log

    • ant_importOwSMPolicySCIM.log

This section includes the following topics: Validation Failures During OIM Middle Tier Online Upgrade

For any validation failures during Oracle Identity Manager middle tier online upgrade, see the log messages listed in Table 25-8 and perform the necessary action.

Table 25-8 Log Messages for Validation Failure During OIM Middle Tier Online Upgrade

Log Message Cause Workaround

Not able to connect to the admin server with Provided Information Host : oimhost.example.com , User Name :weblogic , Port :7001

If the value specified for Administration Server host property in the oim_upgrade_input.properties file is incorrect.

Update the correct value for Administration Server host property in the oim_upgrade_input.properties file at the location ORACLE_HOME/server/bin/.

Not able to connect to the soa server with Provided Information Host : oimhost.example.com , User Name :weblogic , SOA Port :7001

If the values specified for SOA Server properties are incorrect in the oim_upgrade_input.properties file is incorrect.

Update the correct value for SOA server properties in the oim_upgrade_input.properties file at the location ORACLE_HOME/server/bin/.

Following plugins are yet not upgraded, please Check logs and re-run MT online or disable these plugins in UpgradeMetadata.xml

Feature_ID : List

<Feature ID 1>

<Feature ID2>


<Feature IDN>

If some plugins are not upgraded.

Disable the plugins in the UpgradeMetadata.xml file that are not upgraded.

OIM MT Upgrade Prerequisite Failed .Examine for feature <Plugin Feature ID> failed

If prerequisite of any plug-in fails.

Fix the issue for the plugin feature ID <Plugin Feature ID> and re-run the OIM middle tier online upgrade again. Plugin Failures During OIM Middle Tier Online Upgrade

For any plugin failures during Oracle Identity Manager online upgrade, do the following for the depending on the log message listed in Table 25-9:

  1. Open the file ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/oim-upgrade-plugin.xml, and comment out the body of the target mentioned in the Log Message column in Table 25-9.

  2. Launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) by running the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/common/bin:

  3. Run the python command mentioned in column Workaround with the appropriate parameters, for the corresponding log message.

  4. After the python command is successfully executed, resume the OIM middle tier online upgrade. If it fails, raise a Service Request.

Table 25-9 Log Messages for Validation Failure During OIM Middle Tier Online Upgrade

Log Message Ant Log File Workaround


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : import-OWSM-policy


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:

createScimOwsmPolicy.py WEBLOGIC_USER WEBLOGIC_PASSWORD WEBLOGIC_ADMIN_URL DOMAIN_HOME OIM_HOME/server/features/multitoken-noauth-rest-policy.zip


oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : create-user-security-realm


Run the following command from the location ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade:



oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: Error in running target : update-bip-jms-security


Run the following command from the location BIP_HOME/bifoundation/install/:


In case of SSL environment, use the following properties as well:



25.1.10 MDS Patching Issues

If you encounter any issues related to Metadata Services (MDS) patching, check the MDS patching reports generated at the following location:


  • On Windows: ORACLE_HOME\server\logs\MDS_REPORT_DIRECTORY\MDSReport.html

For information about re-running MDS patching, see My Oracle Support Document ID 1536894.1.

25.1.11 Some MDS Documents not Merged Correctly

If any of the MDS documents are not merged correctly, merge them manually from the following locations:

  • On UNIX:

    ORACLE_HOME/server/logs/sourceDir - This is the OOTB MDS data location.

    ORACLE_HOME/server/logs/targetDir - This is the target MDS data location.

  • On Windows:

    ORACLE_HOME\server\logs\sourceDir - This is the OOTB MDS data location.

    ORACLE_HOME\server\logs\targetDir - This is the target MDS data location.

25.1.12 JDBC Errors

If you encounter the following JDBC error, add an additional environment variable TZ, which is the time zone name, like GMT.

ORA-01882: timezone region not found

The environment variable has to be set with older database or you will get an error.

For more information, see My Oracle Support Document ID 1068063.1.

25.1.13 Exception in Log When Creating Users

After you upgrade Oracle Identity Manager high availability environments to Oracle Identity Manager, you might see the following exception in the logs when you create users:

[2013-11-19T23:41:51.507-08:00] [oim_server1] [ERROR] [] 
[oracle.ods.virtualization.exception] [tid: UCP-worker-thread-19] [userId: 
oiminternal] [ecid: 004utMMAEYz1VcP5Ifp2if00023p000Tdf,0] [APP: 
oim#] Could not initialize default mapping config[[ 
 - with linked exception: 
(No such file or directory)

This does not cause the user creation task to fail. However, to eliminate this exception, you must manually copy the file mappings.os_xml from the location $MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ovd_11.1.1/templates/mappings.os_xml to the directory $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/ovd/oim.

25.1.14 All Features not Upgraded During Oracle Identity Manager Middle Tier Upgrade

If any of the Oracle Identity Manager features are not upgraded during the Oracle Identity Manager middle tier upgrade, check the upgrade reports generated at the following location:

Middle tier offline upgrade reports: ORACLE_HOME/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_offline/index.html

Middle tier online upgrade reports: ORACLE_HOME/upgrade/logs/MT/oimUpgradeReportDir_online/index.html

25.1.15 Oracle Identity Manager Upgrade Control Points

To re-run the middle tier upgrade for a specific feature after analyzing and fixing the cause of failure, set the force option of the specific feature upgrade plugin to true or false accordingly in the UpgradeMetadata.xml file located at ORACLE_HOME/server/upgrade/.

Oracle Identity Manager upgrade provides control points in the oimupgrade.properties file located at ORACLE_HOME\server\bin. If any feature upgrade fails, you can continue with the upgrade by disabling the failed feature by setting the corresponding feature upgrade property to false. To enable a specific feature for upgrade, you must the property to true.

By default, all the properties are set as true.

  • Set the following property to false if you do not want to run Oracle Identity Manager configuration upgrade:


  • Set the following property to false if you do not want to run SOA composite upgrade:


Domain Extension Properties

  • Set the following property to false if you do not want to run Patch JNDI provider:


  • Set the following property to false if you do not want to run Patch ClassPath:


  • Set the following property to false if you do not want to run Patch OPSS:


  • Set the following property to false if you do not want to run Patch ears:


  • Set the following property to false if you do not want to run Patch JRF:


25.1.16 Performing Basic Sanity Checks

This section describes how to check a new data source added, SOA Foreign JNDI provider, and the order of EARs on the WebLogic Administration Console. Checking New Data Source Added

To check the new data source added, do the following:

  1. Log in to WebLogic Administration Console using the following URL:


  2. Click Data Sources.

  3. Verify the data source given below:

    Name Type JNDI Name Targets
    ApplicationDBDS Generic jdbc/ApplicationDBDS oim_server1 (for single node upgrade)

    oim_cluster (for cluster upgrade) Checking for SOA Foreign JNDI Provider

To check for SOA Foreign JNDI provider, do the following:

  1. Log in to WebLogic Administration Console using the following URL:


  2. Click Foreign JNDI Providers.

  3. Verify the existence of Foreign JNDI providers given below:

    Name Initial Context Factory Provider URL User Targets
    ForeignJNDIProvider-SOA weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory For single node upgrade:


    For cluster upgrade:


    WebLogic oim_server1 (for single node upgrade)

    oim_cluster (for cluster upgrade)


If you are upgrading Oracle Identity Manager High Availability environments, the Provider URL may contain the host and port of soa_server1 only. In that case, you must add the host and port of soa_server2 to the Provider URL manually. Checking the Order of EARs

To check the order of the EARs, do the following:

  1. Log in to WebLogic Administration Console using the following URL:


  2. Click Deployments.

  3. Verify the deployment order for the following list respectively:

    Name State Health Type Deployment Order
    oim ( Active OK Enterprise Application 48
    OIMAppMetadata ( Active OK Enterprise Application 47
    OIMMetadata ( Active OK Enterprise Application 46
    oracle.iam.console.identity.sysadmin.ear (V2.0) Active OK Enterprise Application 406
    oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear (V2.0) Active OK Enterprise Application 405
    oracle.iam.ui.custom(11.1.1,11.1.1) Active   Library 404
    oracle.iam.ui.oia-view(11.1.1,11.1.1) Active   Library 403
    oracle.iam.ui.view(11.1.1,11.1.1) Active   Library 402
    oracle.iam.ui.model(1.0, Active   Library 401

25.1.17 Exception While Starting Administration Server After OIM Middle Tier Upgrade in an OIM-OAM-OAAM Integrated Environment

After you upgrade Oracle Identity Manager middle tier in an Oracle Identity Manager, Oracle Access Manager, and Oracle Adaptive Access Manager integrated highly available environment, when you start the Administration Server, the following exception is displayed in the AdminServer.log file:

<Warning> <RMI> <slc04ugw> <AdminServer> 
<[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '6' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default 
(self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> 
<1427138521873> <BEA-080003> <RuntimeException thrown by rmi server: 
@ bjectName;Ljava.lang.String;Ljavax.security.auth.Subject;) 

This warning can be ignored.

25.1.18 OIM Incremental Reconciliation Not Working After Upgrading OIM in an OIM-OAM-OAAM Integrated Environment

After upgrading Oracle Identity Manager in an Oracle Identity Manager, Access Manager, and Oracle Adaptive Access Manager integrated environment, if Oracle Identity Manager incremental reconciliation is not working, complete the following steps:

  1. Disable all of the incremental reconciliation jobs (total 6 in all), if not already disabled.

  2. Run the following full reconciliation jobs:

    • LDAP Role Delete Full Reconciliation

    • LDAP User Delete Full Reconciliation

    • LDAP Role Create and Update Full Reconciliation

    • LDAP Role Hierarchy Full Reconciliation

    • LDAP User Create and Update Full Reconciliation

    • LDAP Role Membership Full Reconciliation

  3. Get the latest changelog from Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) by using the following command:

    ldapsearch -h OUD_HOST -p OUD_PORT -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w PASSWORD -b "" -s base "objectclass=*" lastExternalChangelogCookie

    In the above command,

    • OUD_HOST refers to the host on which OUD is running.

    • OUD_PORT refers to the port of the OUD.

  4. Update all the six incremental reconciliation jobs with the changelog value and enable them.

25.1.19 Unable to Access Pending Approvals After OIM Middle Tier Online Upgrade

After you perform Oracle Identity Manager middle tier online upgrade, you may not be able to access pending approvals if you had accessed "Pending Approvals" page on the browser before upgrading OIM middle tier.

The workaround for this issue is to clear out the browser cache and access the pending approvals again.

25.1.20 Exception While Running upgradeOpss Command

The following exception is seen in the MT logs when you upgrade Oracle Platform Security Services using upgradeOpss command:

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name 
oracle.adf.share.wlst.resources.WlstHelp, locale en_US 
Error execing the Python script 
"C:\work\mw748\oracle_common\common\wlst\mdsWLSTCommands.py" caused an error 
"Traceback (innermost last): 
  File "C:\work\mw748\oracle_common\common\wlst\mdsWLSTCommands.py", line 
108, in ? 
ImportError: no module named common 
Error execing the Python script 
"C:\work\mw748\oracle_common\common\wlst\URLConnWLST.py" caused an error 
"Traceback (innermost last): 
  File "C:\work\mw748\oracle_common\common\wlst\URLConnWLST.py", line 12, in 
ImportError: no module named wlst

This exception is seen in the following logs:

  • ant_Update_setDomainEnv.log

  • ant_UpgardeJRF.log

  • ant_configureSecurityStore.log

  • ant_extendOPSSDomain.log

  • ant_isClusterOIM.log

This exception can be ignored.

25.1.21 OIM Middle Tier Online Upgrade Fails in Examine Phase in SSL Environment

Oracle Identity Manager middle tier online upgrade fails in examine phase in SSL environment with the following error, even though the WebLogic Server is up and running:

"Could not connect to admin server with details <host>:<port>"

The workaround for this issue is as follows:

  1. Remove OIM_HOME/server/upgrade/Autodiscovery.properties file.

  2. Re run the middle tier online upgrade.

25.1.22 OIM Schema Upgrade Fails When Upgrading OIM

When you upgrade Oracle Identity Manager, OIM schema upgrade fails with the following error, if the Oracle Identity Manager database contains access policies:

oracle.iam.oimupgrade.exceptions.OIMUpgradeException: SQL Exception in running Upgrade Scripts 
oracle.iam.oimupgrade.onehop.SchemaUpgradeManager.upgrade(SchemaUpgradeManager .java:281) 
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-22160: element at index [438] does not exist
ORA-06512: at line 66

The workaround for this issue is as follows:

  1. After you upgrade the Oracle Identity Manager binaries to, open the oim_upg_R2PS2_R2PS3_common_policy_engine.sql file located at OIM_HOME/server/db/oim/oracle/Upgrade/oim11gR2PS2_2_R2PS3, in a text editor.

  2. Replace the line# 280:

    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstr USING v_pol_owner(idx);


    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstr USING v_pol_owner_type(idx);

  3. Save the modified file, and run the schema upgrade.

25.1.23 OPSS Authorization Fails After Upgrading to OIM

OPSS authorization may fail for some OIM operations after you upgrade OIM to from an older release. For example, you may find that OIM PS policy is not seeded to the OPSS policy store.

The workaround for this issue is as follows:

  1. Backup the existing JAZN data from MDS.

  2. Upgrade OIM.

  3. Re-seed the JAZN data from the backup.

For detailed procedure, see Doc ID 2138965.1 on My Oracle Support.

25.2 Troubleshooting Oracle Access Management Upgrade Issues

This section describes the workaround for the common issues that you may encounter during the Oracle Access Manager upgrade process. This section includes the following topics:

25.2.1 Exception While Running ImportAccessData Command

During Oracle Access Manager 11.1.1.x.x upgrade, if you get a class not found exception, it is because you have not exited from the WLST console after running the exportAccessData command.

Exit the WLST console using the exit() command.

25.2.2 Exception While Accessing OAM Console Before Upgrading System Configuration

During Oracle Access Manager 11.1.1.x.x upgrade, when you try to access the Oracle Access Management Access Manager Administration Console before you upgrade system configurations as described in Section 12.16, "Upgrading System Configuration", the following exceptions are seen in the WebLogic Domain log file:

<Error> <oracle.oam.proxy.oam> 
<ADC2120940> <oam_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> 
<1423899074190> <OAM-04020> <Exception encountered while processing the 
request message: 
oracle.security.am.proxy.oam.requesthandler.OAMProxyException: Event Response 
status is STATUS_FAIL for GET_AUTHN_SCHEME event. Error code OAM-02073 status 
fail isExcluded false 
<Error> <oracle.oam.agent-default> 
<OAMAGENT-00411> <Failed to access server: MajorCode: FATAL_ERROR, MinorCode: 
<Feb 13, 2015 11:31:14 PM PST> <Warning> <oracle.oam.agent-default> 
<OAMAGENT-00410> <OAM Server can not be accessed, fallback to container 
policy: OpCode = 1 [IsResrcOpProtected], Returned Status = Major code: 
3(FatalError) Minor code: 2(NoCode) , extraInfo = [prefHost:IAMSuiteAgent, 
<Feb 13, 2015 11:31:14 PM PST> <Error> <oracle.oam.agent-default> 
<BEA-000000> <OAM Server fatal error: OpCode = 1 [IsResrcOpProtected], 
Returned Status = Major code: 3(FatalError) Minor code: 2(NoCode) , extraInfo 
<Feb 13, 2015 11:31:14 PM PST> <Error> <oracle.oam.agent-default> 
<OAMAGENT-00411> <Failed to access server: MajorCode: FATAL_ERROR, MinorCode: 
<Feb 13, 2015 11:31:14 PM PST> <Warning> <oracle.oam.agent-default> 
<OAMAGENT-00410> <OAM Server can not be accessed, fallback to container 
policy: OpCode = 1 [IsResrcOpProtected], Returned Status = Major code: 
3(FatalError) Minor code: 2(NoCode) , extraInfo = [prefHost:IAMSuiteAgent, 

This is because compatibility mode is not supported for Oracle Access Manager 11.1.1.x.x upgrade. Therefore, it is mandatory to upgrade the system configurations in order to complete the Access Manager upgrade process.

The issue described in this section will be resolved after upgrading the system configurations by running the WLST command upgradeConfig() as described in Section 12.16, "Upgrading System Configuration".

25.2.3 Exception While Deploying Application

  • If you get the following exception when you deploy sdpclient.jar application, then the SDP library is already installed.

    <Month <Date>, <Year> <Time> <Time ZOne> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> <Initiating deploy operation for application, oracle.sdp.client#11.1.1@11.1.1 [archive: <ORACLE_HOME>/communications/modules/oracle.sdp.client_11.1.1/sdpclient.jar], to oam_server1 .>
    weblogic.management.ManagementException: [Deployer:149007]New source location, '<ORACLE_HOME>/communications/modules/oracle.sdp.client_11.1.1/sdpclient.jar', cannot be deployed to configured application, 'oracle.sdp.client [LibSpecVersion=11.1.1,LibImplVersion=11.1.1]'. The application source is at '<ORACLE_SOA_HOME>/communications/modules/oracle.sdp.client_11.1.1/sdpclient.jar'. Changing the source location is not allowed for a previously attempted deployment. Try deploying without specifying the source.Failed to deploy the application with status failed
    Current Status of your Deployment:
    Deployment command type: deploy
    Deployment State : failed
    Deployment Message : weblogic.management.ManagementException: [Deployer:149007]New source location, '<ORACLE_HOME>/communications/modules/oracle.sdp.client_11.1.1/sdpclient.jar', cannot be deployed to configured application, 'oracle.sdp.client [LibSpecVersion=11.1.1,LibImplVersion=11.1.1]'. The application source is at '<ORACLE_SOA_HOME>/communications/modules/oracle.sdp.client_11.1.1/sdpclient.jar'. Changing the source location is not allowed for a previously attempted deployment. Try deploying without specifying the source.
    Error occured while performing deploy : Target exception thrown while deploying application: Error occured while performing deploy : Deployment Failed. : Error occured while performing deploy : Deployment Failed.
    Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace
    Deploying application from <ORACLE_HOME>/oam/server/apps/oam-admin.ear to targets AdminServer (upload=false) ...

    Complete the following steps to recover:

    1. Log into the WebLogic console.

    2. Check for the following library:


    3. Target this library to oam_server1

    4. Run the following command:


  • If you get the following error after the Access Manager server deployment, it is because the tmp and stage directories still exist in your environment.

    Ignore it:

    [HTTP:101216]Servlet: "AMInitServlet" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "oam".
    at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(J9VMInternals.java:222)
    at oracle.security.am.engines.sso.adapter.AbstractSessionAdapterImpl.checkAndInit(AbstractSessionAdapterImpl.java:97)
    at oracle.security.am.engines.sso.adapter.AbstractSessionAdapterImpl.<init>(AbstractSessionAdapterImpl.java:75)
    at oracle.security.am.engines.sso.adapter.MultipleUserSessionAdapterImpl.<init>(MultipleUserSessionAdapterImpl.java:56)
    at oracle.security.am.engines.sso.adapter.MultipleUserSessionAdapterImpl.<clinit>(MultipleUserSessionAdapterImpl.java:45)
    at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
    at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(J9VMInternals.java:200)
    at oracle.security.am.engines.sso.adapter.SessionManagementAdapterFactory.getAdapter(SessionManagementAdapterFactory.java:46)

25.2.4 PolicyValidationException While Restarting Administration Server

During Oracle Access Manager 11.1.1.x.x upgrade, when you restart the Administration Server, the following error occurs if the Repository Creation Utility is not new and has data.

oracle.security.am.common.policy.admin.impl.PolicyValidationException: OAMSSA-06045: An object of this type named "HTTP" already exists.
at oracle.security.am.common.policy.admin.impl.ResourceTypeManagerImpl.isValidWrite(ResourceTypeManagerImpl.java:482)
at oracle.security.am.common.policy.admin.impl.ResourceTypeManagerImpl.createResourceType(ResourceTypeManagerImpl.java:165)
at oracle.security.am.common.policy.tools.OAMPolicyStoreBootstrap.createResourceType(OAMPolicyStoreBootstrap.java:554)
at oracle.security.am.common.policy.tools.OAMPolicyStoreBootstrap.addOAMObjs(OAMPolicyStoreBootstrap.java:328)
at oracle.security.am.common.policy.tools.OAMPolicyStoreBootstrap.addPolicyObjects(OAMPolicyStoreBootstrap.java:280)
at oracle.security.am.common.policy.tools.OAMPolicyStoreBootstrap.bootstrap(OAMPolicyStoreBootstrap.java:233)
at oracle.security.am.install.OAMInstaller.bootstrapOES(OAMInstaller.java:1064)
at oracle.security.am.install.OAMInstaller.bootstrapPolicy(OAMInstaller.java:1423)
at oracle.security.am.install.OAMInstaller.upgradePolicy(OAMInstaller.java:1513)

Check if a new Repository Creation Utility schema is created for Access Manager. Also check if the domain has been updated to use the new Repository Creation Utility.

25.2.5 Exception While Restarting Managed Server

After you upgrade Oracle Access Manager 11.1.1.x.x to, when you restart the Access Manager Managed Server, you might see the following error if the folders tmp and stage still exist:

Caused by:
com.bea.security.ParameterException: Invalid configuration: cannot locate class: com.bea.security.ssal.micro.MicroSecurityServiceManagerWrapper
at com.bea.security.impl.SecurityRuntimeImpl.getNewInstance(SecurityRuntimeImpl.java:263)
at com.bea.security.impl.SecurityRuntimeImpl.initialize(SecurityRuntimeImpl.java:313)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at com.bea.security.SecurityRuntime.initialize(SecurityRuntime.java:140)
at com.bea.security.impl.MicroSMImpl.getInstance(MicroSMImpl.java:167)

This error is resolved once you remove the tmp and stage folders, as instructed in Section 12.15, "Deleting Folders".

25.2.6 Component Version Shows After Upgrade

This issue occurs during the following upgrade scenarios:

  • If you upgraded Oracle Access Manager 11g Release 1 ( to Access Manager

  • If you upgraded Oracle Access Manager 11g Release 1 ( to 11g Release 2 (11.1.2) first, and then to Access Manager

If the component versions of the packages oracle.dogwood.top and oracle.oam.server show after upgrade, run the domain updater utility (com.oracle.cie.domain-update_1.0.0.0.jar) to update the domain-info.xml.

To upgrade the necessary Oracle Access Manager packages to, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the directory $ORACLE_HOME/oaam/upgrade. The domain updater utility com.oracle.cie.domain-update_1.0.0.0.jar file is located in this directory.

  2. Upgrade the package oracle.dogwood.top to by running the following command:

    java -cp $MW_HOME/utils/config/10.3/config-launch.jar:./com.oracle.cie.domain-update_1.0.0.0.jar com.oracle.cie.external.domain.DomainUpdater <DOMAIN_HOME> oracle.dogwood.top:,:

    For example:

    java -cp /scratch/Oracle/Middleware/utils/config/10.3/config-launch.jar:./com.oracle.cie.domain-update_1.0.0.0.jar com.oracle.cie.external.domain.DomainUpdater /scratch/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/OAMDomain oracle.dogwood.top:,:

  3. Upgrade the package oracle.oam.server to by running the following command:

    java -cp $MW_HOME/utils/config/10.3/config-launch.jar:./com.oracle.cie.domain-update_1.0.0.0.jar com.oracle.cie.external.domain.DomainUpdater <DOMAIN_HOME> oracle.oam.server:,:

    For example:

    java -cp /scratch/Oracle/Middleware/utils/config/10.3/config-launch.jar:./com.oracle.cie.domain-update_1.0.0.0.jar com.oracle.cie.external.domain.DomainUpdater /scratch/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/OAMDomain oracle.oam.server:,:

25.2.7 Errors While Starting the Administration Server After Upgrade

When you start the WebLogic Administration Server after you upgrade Access Manager to, you might see the following errors:

Error 1:

<Error> <Default> <BEA-000000> <Failed to 
communicate with any of configured Access Server, ensure that it is up and running.> 
<Error> <Default> <BEA-000000> <Failed to 
communicate with any of configured Access Server, ensure that it is up and running.>
<Warning> <oracle.oam.agent-default> 
<OAMAGENT-00410> <OAM Server can not be accessed, fallback to container policy: 
fetchConfig failed, will keep trying ...>

This happens when the Administration Server is operational and the Access Manager Managed Servers are yet to be started.

You can ignore this error.


<Error> <oracle.mds> <BEA-000000> <exception thrown failed getMBeanServernull>

This error can be ignored.

25.2.8 Memory Issues While Running upgradeConfig() Command

The upgradeConfig() command performs policy operations to seamlessly migrate the policy stores. This requires higher memory. Therefore, if you see encounter memory issues while running upgradeConfig() command, do the following to increase the memory:

  1. Go to the directory WL_HOME/common/bin, and open the wlst.sh file in an editor.

  2. Update the memory argument in wlst.sh file with the following value:

    MEM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m"

  3. Save the wlst.sh file, and rerun the upgradeConfig() command.

If you are performing upgrade on IPV6 machine, complete the following steps to resolve memory issues:

  1. Go to the directory WL_HOME/common/bin, and open the wlst.sh file in an editor.

  2. Update JVM_ARGS to include -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true argument as shown in the following example:

    JVM_ARGS="-Dprod.props.file='${WL_HOME}'/.product.properties -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true ${WLST_PROPERTIES} ${JVM_D64} ${MEM_ARGS} ${CONFIG_JVM_ARGS}"

  3. Save the wlst.sh file, and rerun the upgradeConfig() command.

25.2.9 Null Exception While Creating IDS Profile

After you upgrade Oracle Access Manager 11.1.1.x.x to Access Manager, if you see a null exception while creating Identity Directory Service (IDS) or Enterprise Single Sign-On (ESSO) profile, do the following:

  1. Create the directory DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/ovd/ids.

  2. Copy all the files from the directory MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ovd_11.1.1/domain_config/ovd/ids/ to DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/ovd/ids/ by running the following command:

    cp MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ovd_11.1.1/domain_config/ovd/ids/* to DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/ovd/ids/

  3. Copy the file ovd-ids-mbeans.xml from the location MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ovd_11.1.1/domain_config/mbeans to DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/mbeans/ by running the following command:

    cp MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ovd_11.1.1/domain_config/mbeans/ovd-ids-mbeans.xml DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/mbeans/

  4. Update the Credential Store Framework (CSF) for IDS by running the following command from the location MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/:

    libovdconfig.sh -domainPath DOMAIN_HOME -contextName ids -host AdminServer_host -port AdminServer_port -userName AdminServer_username

    In this command,

    • DOMAIN_HOME is the absolute path to the Access Manager domain.

    • AdminServer_host is the hostname of the WebLogic Administration Server.

    • AdminServer_port is the port of the WebLogic Administration Server.

    • AdminServer_username is the username of the WebLogic Administration console.

  5. Restart the WebLogic Administration Server and the Access Manager Managed Server(s).

    For information about stopping the servers, see Section 24.1.9, "Stopping the Servers". For information about starting the servers, see Section 24.1.8, "Starting the Servers".

25.2.10 Post Authentication Rules Tab is Disabled on Oracle Access Management Console After Upgrade

The Post Authentication Rules tab is disabled post-upgrade. The post authentication rules part of the Adaptive Authentication Services in Therefore, you must explicitly enable the Adaptive Authentication Services post-upgrade, if required.

For information about enabling and using the Adaptive Authentication Services, see "Using the Adaptive Authentication Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management.

25.2.11 Exception While Running importAccessData Command

When you upgrade Oracle Access Manager 11.1.1.x.x to, the following exception is seen when you import the access data using importAccessData command:

SEVERE: Could not get an access to PolicyAdmin java.lang.NullPointerException

To resolve this, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the oam_upgrade.properties file located at ORACLE_HOME/oam/server/wlst/scripts/sample_properties/oam_upgrade.properties, in a text editor.

  2. Remove the line OAM_OFFLINE_POLICY_MIGRATION=true or set the value of this attribute to false.

  3. Run the command importAccessData() to import the access data.

25.2.12 .oamkeystore File Size Reduced to 0 Byte After Extending the OAM Domain

After you extend the OAM domain during the upgrade from to, the .oamkeystore file size reduces to zero.

To resolve this, complete the following steps:

  1. Take a backup of the .oamkeystore file before extending the domain. The .oamkeystore file is located in the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig directory.

  2. Extend the OAM domain.

  3. Restore the .oamkeystore file.

  4. Start the servers and processes.

25.2.13 upgradeConfig Fails with NullPointerException

When you upgrade OAM from R2PS2 to R2PS3, the upgradeConfig fails with the following error:

oracle.security.am.upgrade.framework.psfe.plugin.PolicyEntityPlugin process
SEVERE: Exception while running PSFE PolicyEntityPlugin : java.lang.NullPointerException at oracle.security.am.common.policy.admin.impl.PolicyUtil.cleanUpPolicy(PolicyUtil.java:2002

To fix this issue, set OAMEntityStoreR2PS3=true in the UpgradeConfig.properties file.