15 Upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server 11g Release 1 ( Environment

This chapter describes how to upgrade your existing Oracle Entitlements Server 11g Release 1 ( environment to Oracle Entitlements Server 11g Release 2 ( on Oracle WebLogic Server, using the manual upgrade procedure.


If your existing Oracle Identity and Access Management environment was deployed using the Life Cycle Management (LCM) Tools, you must use the automated upgrade procedure to upgrade to Oracle Identity and Access Management 11g Release 2 (

For information about automated upgrade procedure, supported starting points and topologies, see Chapter 2, "Understanding the Oracle Identity and Access Management Automated Upgrade".

This chapter includes the following sections:

15.1 Upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server

This section contains the following topics:

15.1.1 Upgrade Roadmap for Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server


If you do not follow the exact sequence provided in this task table, your Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server upgrade may not be successful.

Table 15-1 lists the steps to upgrade Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server upgrade.

Table 15-1 Upgrade Flow

Task No. Task For More Information


Review system requirements and certifications.

See, Performing the Required Pre-Upgrade Tasks


Shut down all servers. This includes both Administration Server and Managed Servers.

See, Shutting Down Administration Server and Managed Servers


Back up your environment.

See, Backing Up Oracle Entitlements Server 11g Release 1 (


Upgrade Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5 to Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6.

See, Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server to 10.3.6


Upgrade Oracle Home to

See, Upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server 11g Release 2 (


Create new Oracle Platform Security Services schema.

See, Creating Oracle Platform Security Service Schema


Execute R2_Upgrade.sql

See, Executing R2_Upgrade.sql


Create new Oracle Entitlements Server domain.

See, Creating New Oracle Entitlements Server Domain


Using the exportEncryptionKey(), extract the encryption key.

See, Exporting Encryption Key


Run the configuresecuritystore.py script to re-associate policy stores.

See, Re-Associating Policy Stores


Delete all the py.class files in the newly installed Oracle Entitlements Server home.

See, Deleting all py.class Files


Upgrade Oracle Platform Security Services.

See, Upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services


Start the Administration Server and Oracle Entitlements Server Managed servers.

See, Starting the Administration Server and Oracle Entitlements Server Managed Servers


Redeploy APM.

See, Redeploying APM


Verify the Oracle Entitlements Server upgrade.

See, Verifying the Upgrade

15.1.2 Performing the Required Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before you begin with the upgrade, you must complete the following prerequisites:

15.1.3 Shutting Down Administration Server and Managed Servers

The upgrade process involves changes to the binaries and to the schema. Therefore, before you begin the upgrade process, you must shut down the Administration Server and Managed Servers.

For information about stopping the servers, see "Stopping the Servers".

15.1.4 Backing Up Oracle Entitlements Server 11g Release 1 (

You must back up your Oracle Entitlements Server environment before you upgrade to Oracle Entitlements Server

After stopping the servers, back up the following:

  • MW_HOME directory, including the Oracle Home directories inside Middleware Home

  • Domain Home directory

  • Oracle Entitlements Server schemas

15.1.5 Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server to 10.3.6

Oracle Identity and Access Management is certified with Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6). Therefore, if your existing Oracle Entitlements Server environment is using Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5 or any earlier version, you must upgrade it to Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6.


If you are already using Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6, ensure that you apply the mandatory patches to fix specific issues with Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6.

To identify the required patches that you must apply for Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6, see "Downloading and Applying Required Patches" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Release Notes.

The patches listed in the release notes are available from My Oracle Support. The patching instructions are mentioned in the README.txt file that is provided with each patch.


  • If you upgrade Oracle WebLogic Server from 10.3.5 to 10.3.6, weblogic.policy will be overwritten. Hence, you must backup/restore some of the policies in weblogic.policy.

    After the upgrade procedure, add the following WebLogic Server SM policy:

    grant codeBase "file:${oes.client.home}/-" {
    permission java.security.AllPermission;

    In addition, if you had added any policies in, these policies must be backed up and restored after upgrading to

For information about upgrading to Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6, see Section 24.1.5, "Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server to 11g Release 1 (10.3.6)".

15.1.6 Upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server 11g Release 2 (

To upgrade Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server, you must use the Oracle Identity and Access Management Installer. During the procedure, point the Middleware Home to your existing Middleware Home. Your Oracle Home is upgraded from to

For information about upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server 11g Release 1 (, see Section 24.1.6, "Updating Oracle Identity and Access Management Binaries to 11g Release 2 (".

15.1.7 Creating Oracle Platform Security Service Schema


You must preform the following task only if your policy store is database.

Oracle Entitlements Server schema is bound with APM. From Oracle Entitlements Server 11.1.2 release onwards, Oracle Entitlements Server security store relies on Oracle Platform Security Services for database. In order to access the Oracle Platform Security Services database, you need to create OPSS schema.

To create Oracle Platform Security Store (OPSS) schema, run the Repository Creation utility (RCU) For more information, see "Creating Schemas" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

15.1.8 Executing R2_Upgrade.sql

Complete the following steps to migrate data from old store to new store.

  1. Log in to the database as SYS.

  2. Go to the following path:

    On UNIX:


    ON Windows:


  3. Run the following SQL script. Note that when you run this script, you must provide the opss schema and 11.1.1.x.x APM schema details.


    This SQL script copies the user data from Oracle Entitlements Server to Oracle Platform Security Services.


    In order to execute the R2_Upgrade.sql command, you need to install a database client or execute the script in another computer that has a database client installed on it.

15.1.9 Creating New Oracle Entitlements Server Domain

Oracle Entitlements Server Administration applications requires a JRF domain. But Oracle Entitlements Server does not support JRF. Therefore, in order to deploy Oracle Entitlements Server applications, you must create a new Oracle Entitlements Server domain.

For more information, see "Configuring Oracle Entitlements Server in a New WebLogic Domain" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management.

15.1.10 Exporting Encryption Key

Credential data are encrypted and stored in the database. The encryption key is domain specific. Since you are moving to Oracle Entitlements Server domain from Oracle Entitlements Server domain, you must export the key to a keyfile and then import the key to the Oracle Entitlements Server domain.

You must run the exportEncryptionKey()command to extract the encryption key from Oracle Entitlements Server domain's bootstrap wallet.

Run the following command:


  1. Move from your present working directory to the <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin directory by running the following command on the command line:

    cd <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin

  2. Run the following command to launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST):


  3. At the WLST prompt, run the following command:



    <domaindir> is the complete path of the Oracle Entitlements Server domain location.

    <password> is the key file password.

On Windows:

  1. Move from your present working directory to the <MW_HOME>\oracle_common\common\bin directory by running the following command on the command line:

    cd <MW_HOME>\orcle_common\common\bin

  2. Run the following command to launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST):


  3. At the WLST prompt, run the following command:



    <domaindir> is the complete path of the Oracle Entitlements Server domain location.

    <password> is the key file password.

15.1.11 Re-Associating Policy Stores

You must re-associate policy stores to make the Oracle Entitlements Server domain uptake the security store which is based on the Oracle Platform Security Services schema. Run the configuresecuritystore.py script to re-associate policy stores as follows: Policy Store is DB

If the policy store in is DB, perform the following steps to re-associate to DB based policy store and import the encryption key to the domain.


Run the following WLST command:

<MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh <IAM_HOME>/common/tools/configureSecurityStore.py -d <domaindir> -m join -j <OES_11. jpsroot> -f <OES_11. farmname> -p <OPSS schema password> -t <policy store type> -k <keyFilePath> -w <keyFilePassword> --create_diagnostic_data

For example:

<MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh <IAM_HOME>/common/tools/configureSecurityStore.py -d <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<oes_domain> -m join -j cn=jpsroot -f <oes_domain> -p welcome1 -t DB_ORACLE -k /tmp/key -w myKeyPwd --create_diagnostic_data

On Windows:

Run the following WLST command:

<MW_HOME>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd <IAM_HOME>\common\tools\configureSecurityStore.py -d <domaindir> -m join -j <OES jpsroot> -f <OES farmname> -p <OPSS schema password> -t <policy store type> -k <keyFilePath> -w <keyFilePassword> --create_diagnostic_data

For example:

<MW_HOME>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd <IAM_HOME>\common\tools\configureSecurityStore.py -d <MW_HOME>\user_projects\domains\<oes_domain> -m join -j cn=jpsroot -f oes_domain -p welcome1 -t DB_ORACLE -k C:\\tmp\key -w myKeyPwd --create_diagnostic_data


For help on the command, run the following:


<MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh <IAM_HOME>/common/tools/configureSecurityStore.py -d <domaindir> -help

On Windows:

<MW_HOME>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd <IAM_HOME>\common\tools\configureSecurityStore.py -d <domaindir> -help

Table 15-2 describes the parameters you need to specify on the command line.

Table 15-2 Parameters for Reassociating Policy Stores

Parameter Description


Specify the absolute path to the Oracle Middleware home. For example:

On UNIX: /scratch/oracle/Middleware

On Windows: C:\oracle\Middleware


Specify the absolute path to the Oracle Identity and Access Manager Home. For example:On UNIX: /scratch/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1

On Windows: C:\oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1


Specify the path to the Identity and Access Manager's domain location. The following example shows the complete path:

On UNIX, it is located in the <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain directory.

On Windows, it is located in the <MW_HOME>\user_projects\domains\base_domain directory.


The following are the two options available for the argument -m:

  • create

    -m create option creates a new security store. This option is applicable for fresh installation.

  • join

    -m join option uses an existing database security store for the domain. Since this is an upgrade, you must use -m join option while running the configureSecurityStore.py command.

OPSS_schema_ password

Specify the password of OPSS schema.


Specify the policy store type. For example: DB_ORACLE, DB_DERBY, or OID.


Specify the path to the KeyFile.


Specify the KeyFile password. Policy Store is OID

If the policy store in is OID, perform the following steps to re-associate to OID based policy store and import the encryption key to the domain:

  1. Remove the py.class files from the oracle_common directory by running the following command from the location MW_HOME/oracle_common:

    find . -name "*py*class" | xargs rm

  2. Run the following WLST command to re-associate the policy store:

    On UNIX:

    <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh <IAM_HOME>/common/tools/configureSecurityStore.py -d <domaindir> -m join -j cn=reassociate_r1ps1_oes_domain -f <OES_11. farmname> -t OID -a cn=orcladmin -p <OPSS schema password> -l ldap://oim.example.com:18686 --create_diagnostic_data

    For example:

    <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh <IAM_HOME>/common/tools/configureSecurityStore.py -d <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<oes_domain> -m join -j cn=jpsroot -f <oes_domain> -t OID -a cn=orcladmin -p welcome1 -l ldap://oim.example.com:18686 --create_diagnostic_data

    On Windows:

    Run the following WLST command:

    <MW_HOME>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd <IAM_HOME>\common\tools\configureSecurityStore.py -d <domaindir> -m join -j cn=reassociate_r1ps1_oes_domain -f <OES farmname> -t OID -a cn=orcladmin -p <OPSS schema password> -l ldap://oim.example.com:18686 --create_diagnostic_data

    For example:

    <MW_HOME>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd <IAM_HOME>\common\tools\configureSecurityStore.py -d <MW_HOME>\user_projects\domains\<oes_domain> -m join -j cn=jpsroot -f oes_domain -t OID -a cn=orcladmin -p welcome1 -l ldap://oim.example.com:18686 --create_diagnostic_data


    For help on the command, run the following:

    On UNIX:

    <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh <IAM_HOME>/common/tools/configureSecurityStore.py -d <domaindir> -help

    On Windows:

    <MW_HOME>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd <IAM_HOME>\common\tools\configureSecurityStore.py -d <domaindir> -help

    Table 15-3 describes the parameters you need to specify on the command line.

    Table 15-3 Parameters for Reassociating Policy Stores

    Parameter Description


    Specify the path to the Oracle Identity and Access Manager's Middleware Home.

    For example:

    On UNIX: /oracle/Middleware

    On Windows: C:\\oracle\Middleware


    Specify the path to the Oracle Identity and Access Manager Home. The following example shows the complete path:On UNIX, it is located in the /oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1 directory.

    On Windows, it is located in the \oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1 directory.


    Specify the path to the Identity and Access Manager's domain location. The following example shows the complete path:

    On UNIX, it is located in the <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain directory.

    On Windows, it is located in the <MW_HOME>\user_projects\domains\base_domain directory.


    The following are the two options available for the argument -m:

    • create

      -m create option creates a new security store. This option is applicable for fresh installation.

    • join

      -m join option uses an existing database security store for the domain. Since this is an upgrade, you must use -m join option while running the configureSecurityStore.py command.


    Specify the password of OPSS schema.


    Specify the path to the KeyFile.


    Specify the security store farm name.


    Specify the distinguished name of jpsroot.


    Specify the policy store type. For example: DB_ORACLE, DB_DERBY, or OID.


    Specify the administrator username for OID.


    Specify the url for OID.

15.1.12 Deleting all py.class Files

Delete all the files with postfix py.class in the newly installed Oracle Entitlements Server home.

15.1.13 Upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services

After you upgrade schemas, you must upgrade Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) of the new Oracle Entitlements Server domain.

Upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services is required to upgrade the configuration and policy stores of Oracle Entitlements Server to It upgrades the jps-config.xml file and policy stores.

For information about upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services, see Section 24.1.7, "Upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services"

15.1.14 Starting the Administration Server and Oracle Entitlements Server Managed Servers

After the upgrade is complete, start the WebLogic Administration Server, the Administration Server for the domain that contains Oracle Entitlements Server, and the Oracle Entitlements Server Managed Server. For more information, see Section 24.1.8, "Starting the Servers".

15.1.15 Redeploying APM

To get the latest APM policies into the policy store, you must redeploy the APM applications.

Complete the following steps to redeploy APM:


  1. Move from your present working directory to the <MW_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/common/bin directory by running the following command on the command line:

    cd <MW_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/common/bin

  2. Run the following command to launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST):


  3. Connect to the Administration Server using the following command:


  4. At the WLST prompt, run the following command:


  5. Exit the WLST console using the exit() command.

On Windows:

  1. Move from your present working directory to the <MW_HOME>\wlserver_10.3\common\bin by running the following command on the command line:

    cd <MW_HOME>\wlserver_10.3\common\bin

  2. Run the following command to launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST):


  3. Connect to the Administration Server using the following command:


  4. At the WLST prompt, run the following command:



    <domaindir> is the complete path to the Oracle Entitlements Server domain.

    For example:

    <MW_HOME>\user_projects\domains\<oes_domain>\serverConfig\ redeploy(appName='oracle.security.apm')

  5. Exit the WLST console using the exit() command.

15.1.16 Verifying the Upgrade

To verify the Oracle Entitlements Server upgrade, do the following:

  • Log in to LDAP or database and verify the schema version in the Policy Store. The OPSS schema version should be

  • The application MAPI works with both old and new functionality.

    Create a new policy to see if CRUD operations on the policy store artifacts, using their entity managers, are working.

    For more information, see "Creating Fine Grained Elements for a Simple Policy" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Entitlements Server.

  • The Application Runtime Authorization continues working.

    To verify, create an authorization, as mentioned in "Using the PEP API" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Entitlements Server, and see if it works correctly.

15.2 Upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Client Server

This section contains the following topics:

15.2.1 Upgrade Roadmap for Oracle Entitlements Server Client Server


If you do not follow the exact sequence provided in this task table, your Oracle Entitlements Server Client Server upgrade may not be successful.

Table 15-4 lists the steps for upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Client Server upgrade.

Table 15-4 Upgrade Flow

Sl. No. Task For More Information


Shut down all security modules. This includes shutting down the Administration Server and Managed Servers too.

See, Stopping all Security Module Instances


Upgrade Oracle Home to

See, Upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Client 11g Release 2 (


Change the username and password.

See, Changing Username and Password for the New Schemas


Start the security modules.

See, Starting the Security Modules


Verify the Oracle Entitlements Server Client Server upgrade.

See, Verifying the Upgrade

15.2.2 Stopping all Security Module Instances

Bring down all security module instances, Administration Server, and Managed Servers.

The security module instances shuts down when the Administration Server and Managed Servers are shut down.

To stop the servers, see Section 15.1.3, "Shutting Down Administration Server and Managed Servers".

15.2.3 Upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Client 11g Release 2 (

To upgrade Oracle Entitlements Server Client Server, you must use the installer. During the procedure, point the Middleware Home to your existing Oracle Entitlements Server Middleware Home. This upgrades your Middleware Home and Oracle Home from to

This section contains the following topics: Prerequisites

You must install and configure Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server, as described in Section 15.1.6, "Upgrading Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server 11g Release 2 (". Obtaining the Software

For more information on obtaining Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g software, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Download, Installation, and Configuration ReadMe. Installing Oracle Entitlements Server Client Server 11g Release 2 (

For more information on installing Oracle Entitlements Server Client Server, see "Installing Oracle Entitlements Server Client" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management. Verifying the Installation

To verify that your Oracle Entitlements Server Client install was successful, go to your Oracle Home directory which you specified during installation and verify that the Oracle Entitlements Server Client installation files are created.

15.2.4 Changing Username and Password for the New Schemas

If Oracle Entitlements Server client is running in a controlled-pull mode or in an uncontrolled mode, the jps-config.xml of the Security Module instance must be changed to reflect the schema changes done during the Administration Server upgrade.

Before running the oessmconfig.sh command, you need to modify jps-config.xml of the controlled-pull or uncontrolled security module.


For Java, RMI and Web Service security modules, jps-config.xml is located at:


For Oracle WebLogic Server security module, jps-config.xml is located at:



For controlled-push security module, you do not have to add any parameters to the pdp.service instance.

Controlled-Pull Security Module

For controlled-pull security module, add the following to the pdp.service instance:

<property name="oracle.security.jps.runtime.pd.client.SMinstanceType" value="<sm_type>"/>

Replace "<sm_type>" with the actual type.

For example:


Uncontrolled Security Module

For uncontrolled security module, add the following to the pdp.service instance:

<property name="oracle.security.jps.runtime.pd.client.policyDistributionMode" value="non-controlled"/>

<property name="oracle.security.jps.runtime.pd.client.sm_name" value="<sm_name>"/>

<property name="oracle.security.jps.runtime.pd.client.SMinstanceType" value="<sm_type>"/>

Replace "<sm_name>" "<sm_type>" with the actual values.

Do the following to change the username and password of the new schemas:

  1. Go to the following path:

    On UNIX, <CLIENT_HOME>/oesclient/oessm/enroll/bin

    On Windows, <CLIENT_HOME>\oesclient\oessm\enroll\bin

  2. Run the following command:

    On UNIX:

    ./oessmconfig.sh -jpsconfig <path to the jps-config.xml>

    On Windows:

    oessmconfig.cmd -jpsconfig <path to the jps-config.xml>

  3. A Graphic User Interface displays. See Figure 15-1.

  4. Click SM Configuration.

  5. Click the Policy Store sub-tab.

  6. Enter the new schema user name and password.

  7. Click Test Connection

  8. When you get the successful security module test message, click Save & Close.

Figure 15-1 Java Security Module

Description of Figure 15-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 15-1 Java Security Module''

15.2.5 Starting the Security Modules

You must start the security modules by starting the Administration Server and Managed Servers.

To start the servers, see Section 15.1.14, "Starting the Administration Server and Oracle Entitlements Server Managed Servers".


When starting the Oracle Service Bus Security Module, you must use the parameter -Doracle.oes.osbresource.converter.distinguishtransportprivilege=false while running the script.

15.2.6 Verifying the Upgrade

To verify, create an authorization, as mentioned in "Using the PEP API" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Entitlements Server, and see if it works correctly.

The Application Runtime Authorization continues working.