9 Upgrading Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 (11.1.2.x.x) Environments

This chapter describes how to upgrade Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 ( and 11g Release 2 (11.1.2) environments to Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 ( on Oracle WebLogic Server, using the manual upgrade procedure.


If your existing Oracle Identity and Access Management environment was deployed using the Life Cycle Management (LCM) Tools, you must use the automated upgrade procedure to upgrade to Oracle Identity and Access Management 11g Release 2 (

For information about automated upgrade procedure, supported starting points and topologies, see Chapter 2, "Understanding the Oracle Identity and Access Management Automated Upgrade".


This chapter refers to Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g Release 2 (11.1.2) and 11g Release 2 ( environments as 11.1.2.x.x.

This chapter includes the following sections:

9.1 Upgrade Roadmap for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager


If you do not follow the exact sequence provided in this task table, your Oracle Adaptive Access Manager upgrade may not be successful.

Table 9-1 lists the steps to upgrade Oracle Adaptive Access Manager.

Table 9-1 Roadmap for Upgrading Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2.x.x to

Sl No Task For More Information


Perform the required pre-upgrade tasks before you start with the upgrade process.

See, Performing the Required Pre-Upgrade Tasks


Stop the WebLogic Administration Server and the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Managed Server(s) before you start the upgrade process.

See, Shutting Down Administration Server and Managed Servers


Back up your existing Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2.x.x Environment.

See, Backing Up Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2.x.x


Upgrade Oracle WebLogic Server to 10.3.6, if necessary.

See, Optional: Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server


Update the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2.x.x binaries to

See, Updating Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Binaries to


Upgrade the OAAM, MDS, IAU, and OPSS Schemas using Patch Set Assistant.

See, Upgrading OAAM, MDS, IAU, and OPSS Schemas


Upgrade the Oracle Platform Security Services.

See, Upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services


Start the WebLogic Administration Server and Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Managed Server(s).

See, Starting the Servers


If you are upgrading Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2 to, you must redeploy the applications after you start the servers.

See, Redeploying Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Applications


Restart the WebLogic Administration Server and the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Managed Server(s).

See, Restarting the Servers


Verify the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager upgrade.

See, Verifying the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Upgrade

9.2 Performing the Required Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before you begin with the upgrade, you must complete the following prerequisites:

9.3 Shutting Down Administration Server and Managed Servers

The upgrade process involves changes to the binaries and to the schema. Therefore, before you begin the upgrade process, you must shut down the WebLogic Administration Server and the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Managed Servers.

For more information about stopping the WebLogic Administration Server and the Managed Servers, see Section 24.1.9, "Stopping the Servers".

9.4 Backing Up Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2.x.x

You must back up your Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2.x.x environment before you upgrade to Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

After stopping the servers, you must back up the following:

  • MW_HOME directory, including the Oracle Home directories inside Middleware Home

  • Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Domain Home directory

  • Oracle Adaptive Access Manager schema

  • IAU schema, if it is part of any of your Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2.x.x schema

  • MDS schema

For more information about backing up the Middleware Home and the schemas, see Section 24.1.2, "Backing up the Existing Environment".

9.5 Optional: Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle Identity and Access Management is certified with Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6). Therefore, if your existing Oracle Adaptive Access Manager environment is using Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5 or any earlier version, you must upgrade it to Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6.


If you are already using Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6, ensure that you apply the mandatory patches to fix specific issues with Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6.

To identify the required patches that you must apply for Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6, see "Downloading and Applying Required Patches" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Release Notes.

The patches listed in the release notes are available from My Oracle Support. The patching instructions are mentioned in the README.txt file that is provided with each patch.

For information about upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server to 10.3.6, see Section 24.1.5, "Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server to 11g Release 1 (10.3.6)".

9.6 Updating Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Binaries to

To update the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11.1.2.x.x binaries to, you must use the Oracle Identity and Access Management Installer. During the procedure, point the Middleware Home to your existing 11.1.2.x.x Middleware Home. Your Oracle Home is upgraded from 11.1.2.x.x to

For information about updating the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager binaries to, see Section 24.1.6, "Updating Oracle Identity and Access Management Binaries to 11g Release 2 (".

9.7 Upgrading OAAM, MDS, IAU, and OPSS Schemas

You must upgrade the following schemas using Patch Set Assistant:

  • OAAM schema

  • MDS schema

  • OPSS schema

  • IAU schema (You must upgrade Audit schema (IAU) only if it is part of your 11.1.2.x.x schemas)


When upgrading schemas using Patch Set Assistant, you must select OAAM or OAAM_PARTN as appropriate, and provide details on all screens to complete the upgrade.

For information about upgrading schemas using Patch Set Assistant, see Section 24.1.4, "Upgrading Schemas Using Patch Set Assistant".

9.8 Upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services

After you upgrade schemas, you must upgrade Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS).

Upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services is required to upgrade the configuration and policy stores of Oracle Adaptive Access Manager to It upgrades the jps-config.xml file and policy stores.

For information about upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services, see Section 24.1.7, "Upgrading Oracle Platform Security Services".

9.9 Starting the Servers

Start the WebLogic Administration Server and the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Managed Server(s).

For information about starting the WebLogic Administration Server and the Managed Servers, see Section 24.1.8, "Starting the Servers".

9.10 Redeploying Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Applications

After you start the servers, you must redeploy your Oracle Adaptive Access Manager applications on the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager servers.

You can redeploy the application using command line or using the WebLogic Administration console. Complete the following steps described in one of the following sections to redeploy applications:

Redeploying Applications Using Command Line

To redeploy applications on Oracle Adaptive Access Manager servers using command line, do the following:

  1. Launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) by running the following command from the location IAM_HOME/common/bin:

    On UNIX: ./wlst.sh

    On Windows: wlst.cmd

  2. Connect to the Administration Server using the following command:


    For example:


  3. Stop the applications by running the following commands:

    • stopApplication('oaam_admin')

    • stopApplication('oaam_server')


    If you have Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Offline Server in your setup, run the stopApplication() command to stop 'oaam_offline' too.
  4. Redeploy the applications by running the following commands:

    • redeploy('oracle.oaam.extensions')

    • redeploy('oaam_admin')

    • redeploy('oaam_server')


    If you have Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Offline Server in your setup, run the redeploy() command to redeploy applications on 'oaam_offline' too.
  5. Start the applications by running the following commands:

    • startApplication('oaam_admin')

    • startApplication('oaam_server')


    If you have Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Offline Server in your setup, run the startApplication() command to stop 'oaam_offline' too.
  6. Exit the WLST console using the exit() command.

For more information about using the redeploy command, see "redeploy" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

Redeploying Applications Using WebLogic Administration Console

To redeploy applications on Oracle Adaptive Access Manager servers using the WebLogic Administration console, do the following

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administration console using the following URL:


  2. Go to the Deployments tab.

  3. Click lock and Edit on the left panel.

  4. Stop the oaam_admin and oaam_server applications. If oaam_offline is available in your environment, stop it too.

  5. Select oaam_extension_library.

  6. Click Update.

  7. The console shows the location of the .ear file. Confirm if that is the correct location of the .ear file that you wish to deploy; Otherwise, change the location.

  8. Click Finish.

  9. When the deployment is completed, click Release configuration.

  10. Repeat the procedure for OAAM_ADMIN, OAAM_SERVER, and OAAM_OFFLINE as applicable.

9.11 Restarting the Servers

After you redeploy the applications, restart the WebLogic Administration Server and the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Managed Server(s).


After redeploying the applications, when you stop the servers for the first time, the following exception might be displayed:
<Error> <oracle.oaam> <BEA-000000> <Exception writing monitor data: 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to execute an operation on a closed EntityManagerFactory. at 
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryDelegate.verifyOpen(EntityManagerFactoryDelegate.java:305) at 
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryDelegate.createEntity ManagerImpl(EntityManagerFactoryDelegate.java:276) at 
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryImpl.createEntityManagerImpl(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.java:294) at 
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryImpl.createEntityManager(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.java:272) at 
com.bharosa.common.toplink.TopLink11gDBMgr.createSession(TopLink11gDBMgr.java: 313) at 
com.bharosa.common.db.BharosaDBMgr.beginSession(BharosaDBMgr.java:166) at 
com.bharosa.common.dataaccess.DataAccessMgr.beginSession(DataAccessMgr.java:95) at 
java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) > 
<Nov 24, 2014 2:43:22 AM PST> <Error> <oracle.oaam> <BEA-000000> <Session not found in endSession for database default. 
This is not okay. refCount=null java.lang.Throwable at 
com.bharosa.common.db.BharosaDBMgr.endSession(BharosaDBMgr.java:245) at 
com.bharosa.common.dataaccess.DataAccessMgr.endSession(DataAccessMgr.java:137) at
com.bharosa.common.monitoring.Monitor.run(Monitor.java:113) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) > 

This is a one time exception, seen the first time you stop the servers after upgrade. You can ignore this exception.

For information about stopping the servers, see Section 24.1.9, "Stopping the Servers".

For information about starting the servers, see Section 24.1.8, "Starting the Servers".

9.12 Verifying the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Upgrade

To verify the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager upgrade, do the following:

  • Verify the log file at the location MW_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/logs to ensure that the upgrade was successful.

  • Verify the version of the OAAM schema by connecting to the OAAM schema as OAAM_schema_user, and running the following query:

    select version,status,upgraded from schema_version_registry where owner=<OAAM_SCHEMA_NAME>;

    Ensure that the version number is

  • Log in to the OAAM Administration console using the following URL:


    Verify if the version number of Oracle Adaptive Access Manager is

9.13 Troubleshooting

For the list of known issues related to upgrade, and their workaround, see "Upgrade and Migration Issues for Oracle Identity and Access Management" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for Identity Management.