24 Installing Oracle Identity and Access Management Life Cycle Management Tools

This chapter describes how to install the Oracle Identity and Access Management Life Cycle Management (LCM) Tools.

The provisioning file created as a result of running the IAM deployment wizard must be visible to each host in the same location during provisioning and subsequent patching.

For information about obtaining the software, see Section 5.4, "Identifying and Obtaining Software Downloads for an Enterprise Deployment".

This chapter contains the following topics:

24.1 About the Deployment Repository and LCM Tools Directory Structure

When you unpack the downloadable archives for the Oracle Identity and Access Management Deployment Repository into REPOS_HOME, the directory structure looks similar to the one illustrated in Figure 7-1, "Deployment Repository".

Table 24-1 describes each of these key directories, their purpose and how they get created.

For more information about using the Deployment Wizard to create the response file, see Chapter 25, "Creating a Deployment Response File".

Table 24-1 Key Directories Used by the LCM Tools

Directory Purpose When Created Where to Specify During Install and Deployment


Contains the required Java Development Kit (JDK) and all the product installers required to install and configure Oracle Identity and Access Management.

This directory is created when you unpack the Repository archives from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

Enter the value of the REPOS_HOME in the Software Repository Location field of the Deployment Wizard when you are creating a response file.


Oracle home for the LCM Tools. From this directory structure, you run the LCM Deployment Wizard.

This directory is created by the LCM Tools installer.

Enter in the Oracle Home Directory field in the IDM LCM Tools Installer.


Top-level directory for the Oracle Identity and Access Management environment. It consists of:

  • IDM_TOP/products, which contains the software binaries

  • IDM_TOP/config, which contains the domains, instances, and other runtime artifacts

The IDM_TOP directory, as well as its subdirectories, are created by the LCM Tools during the deployment of the Oracle Identity and Access Management software.

In the Deployment Wizard, when creating the response file:

  • Enter the location of IDM_TOP in the Software Installation Location field.

  • Enter the location of the config directory in the Shared Configuration Location field.

Note: The configuration location is set to a location inside the IDM_TOP directory by default; however, you can have the Deployment Wizard create the directory in any accessible location.

The products directory will be created inside the IDM_TOP directory when you deploy the software.


It is important that minimum privileges are assigned to UNIX users in the Repository home (REPOS_HOME). In order to do this, navigate to the extracted Repository home, and run the following command. This updates the permissions on the content of the repository.
chmod -R 755 *

24.2 Locating the Required Java Development Kit (JDK)

After you expand the archives and create the Repository home (REPOS_HOME), you can find an expanded copy of the supported Java Development (JDK) in the following directory:


Before you start the LCM Tools installer, set the JAVA_HOME system variable to point to this directory.

24.3 Installing the Oracle Identity and Access Management Life Cycle Tools

The Oracle Identity and Access Management Deployment Wizard is a component of the Oracle Identity and Access Management Life Cycle Tools, which also includes the Oracle Identity and Access Management Patching Framework. You must install the tools by running an installer, which is located in the Oracle Identity and Access Management deployment repository.

For more information, see the following topics:

24.3.1 Locating and Starting the LCM Tools Installer

The installation script for the Oracle Identity and Access Management Life Cycle Tools (IAM Deployment Wizard and IAM Patching Tools) resides in the following directory:


where REPOS_HOME is the Oracle Identity and Access Management deployment repository that contains all the installers required to deploy a new Oracle Identity and Access Management environment.

To begin installing the tools, change to that directory and start the script.


cd REPOS_HOME/installers/idmlcm/Disk1
./runInstaller -jreLoc <full path to the JRE directory>

For example:

./runInstaller -jreLoc REPOS_HOME/jdk

24.3.2 Summary of the LCM Tools Installer Screens

Table 24-2 describes each of the LCM Tools installer screens.

Table 24-2 Installation Flow for Oracle Identity and Access Management LCM Tools

Screen Description and Action Required


Review the information on the Welcome page, and click Next.

Specify Inventory Directory

This screen appears if this is the first time you are installing Oracle software on a UNIX host or if you installed software previously on the UNIX host, but did not create a central inventory. The Inventory Directory is used to keep track of all Oracle products installed on this host.

For the purposes of this guide:

  1. Click OK to accept the default location of the Inventory Directory and the default Operating System Group Name for the directory.

  2. In the Inventory Location Confirmation dialog box, select Continue Installation with local inventory.

If you want to create a central Inventory Directory or learn about the advantages of doing so, see Section 24.3.3, "Specifying an Inventory Directory".

Install Software Updates

If you wish to search for and download software updates from My Oracle Support, do the following:

  1. Select Search My Oracle Support for Updates.

  2. Enter User name and Password.

  3. Click Test Connection.

If you wish to search your local directory for updates, do the following:

  1. Select Search Local Directory for Updates.

  2. Click Search For Updates.

If you wish to skip software updates, select Skip Software Updates.

Click Next to continue.

Prerequisite Checks

On this screen, verify that checks complete successfully, then click Next.

Specify Install Location

On the Specify Install Location page, enter the following information:

  1. Oracle Middleware Home - This is the parent directory of the directory where the Identity and Access Management Life Cycle Tools will be installed. This must be on shared storage. For example:

  2. Oracle Home Directory - This is a subdirectory of the above directory where the wizard will be installed. For example:


    In the this guide, this subdirectory is referred to as the Identity and Access Management Life Cycle Management Oracle home (IDMLCM_HOME.)

Click Next.

Installation Summary

Verify the information on this screen, then click Install to begin the installation.

Installation Progress

This screen shows the progress of the installation.

When the progress shows 100% complete, click Next to continue

Installation Complete

On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.

24.3.3 Specifying an Inventory Directory

If you are running on a UNIX platform, and you have not previously installed an Oracle product on this host, or if you installed software previously on the UNIX host, but did not create a central inventory, then the Specify Inventory Directory screen will appear during the installation.

The Specify Inventory Directory screen prompts you for the location of the Inventory Directory. The Inventory Directory is used to keep track of all Oracle products installed on this host.

You can save a local inventory directory just for the software you are currently installing, or you can create a central inventory directory for all Oracle software installed on the host, even software installed by other users.

A central inventory directory can be especially important when you are performing life cycle operations, such as patching, test-to-production, or when upgrading your software to a newer version.

To create a central inventory directory:

  1. In the Operating System Group ID field, select the group whose members you want to grant access to the inventory directory.

    All members of this group can install products on this host and write to the inventory directory.

    Click OK to continue.

  2. The Inventory Location Confirmation dialog prompts you to run the inventory_directory/createCentralInventory.sh script as root to create the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

    The /etc/oraInst.loc file is a pointer to the central inventory and must be present for silent installations. It contains two lines:



    The standard location for this file is /etc/oraInst.loc, but it can be created anywhere. If you create it in a directory other than /etc, you must include the -invPtrLoc argument and enter the location of the inventory when you run the Identity and Access Management Deployment Wizard or the runIAMDeployment.sh script.

24.3.4 Applying the Patch for LCM Tools

After you install the LCM Tools, locate and apply the latest LCM Tools patch. For more information, see "Mandatory Patches Required for Installing Oracle Identity Manager" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for Identity Management for 11g Release 2 (

For instructions on applying the patch, refer to the README file which is included with the patch.