28 Cleaning up an Environment Before Rerunning IAM Deployment

This chapter describes how to clean up an environment before rerunning Identity and Access Deployment.

This chapter contains the following section:

28.1 Cleaning up an Environment

When you provision Oracle Identity and Access Management using the runIAMDeployment.sh command, you must complete each stage in the topology before beginning the next stage, in a specified order. If a stage fails, you must clean up and start over.


The cleanup command provided as part of the LCM tool should not be used for the cleanup of a deployment. The cleanup tool does not support EDG deployments. Cleanup is a manual process and is described in this chapter.

To clean up a deployed environment before starting another cycle of deployment, proceed as follows:

  1. On each host, stop or kill the Identity and Access Management processes. The simplest way to do this is to restart the host. If this is not possible, manually clean up the processes following your Operating System documentation.

  2. On each host, remove the following directories:

    • LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR/domains

    • LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR/instances/ohs*



    Exclude this step for an Oracle Traffic Director installation.
  3. On each WEBHOST, remove the following directories:

    • WEB_MW_HOME/ohs

    • WEB_MW_HOME/webgate

    • WEB_MW_HOME/omsas


    Do not remove any directories belonging to your OTD installation, if you have one.
  4. Remove the contents of the following directories on either OAMHOST1 or OIMHOST1:

    • On OAMHOST1, remove:



    • On OIMHOST1, remove:




    Do not remove the directory DIR_MW_HOME.
  5. Remove the contents of the following LCM directories:

    • LCM_HOME/provisioning

    • LCM_HOME/patch

    • LCM_HOME/lcmconfig

    • RT_HOME


    These directories are on shared storage and only needs to be removed from one host
  6. Remove all of the directories that were created by the IDMLCM tool during the Identity and Access Management deployment.

  7. Using the Repository Creation Utility, drop all schemas created in Section 10.7, "Loading the Identity and Access Management Schemas in the Oracle RAC Database Using RCU."

After you have performed these steps, you can rerun runIAMDeployment.sh or prov_run.sh.