30 Topology Tool Commands for Scaling

This chapter describes the topology tool commands for scaling.

When you provision your environment using LCM, it creates a map of the topology in a file called topology.xml which is used for automated patching. If you scale out your environment using the procedures in Chapter 29, "Scaling Enterprise Deployments", you need to ensure that these changes are reflected in the topology file. You can do this using the commands in this chapter.

This chapter contains the following sections:

30.1 Overview of Topology Tool Commands for Scaling

During deployment, a topology store is created which contains details of the deployed topology. When patching the environment, the Life Cycle Tools read the store in order to build and execute the patch plan.

Chapter 29, "Scaling Enterprise Deployments" describes how to scale the deployment up or out using a variety of tools. As part of a scaling procedure, you must add new entries to the store covering the new additions to the deployment. This is done using the IAM Topology Tool.

The tool is located at: IDMLCM_HOME/topotool/bin

Before running the Topology Tool, back up your entire LCM_ROOT/lcmconfig/topology directory.


Many of the command-line options use instance or component names that include numbers, for example OUD3. You should already have determined these names when you assembled information for scaling. See the Assembling Information sections in Chapter 29, "Scaling Enterprise Deployments".

30.2 Syntax of the Topology Tool

The general syntax is:

topotool.sh command [-option]

For help, use:

topotool.sh [-help]
topotool.sh command [-help]


This section is not a complete description of the syntax of the Topology Tool. The commands and options listed in this section include only those that are used in this guide.

30.2.1 Commands


Adds information to the topology store.

topotool.sh add [options]


Modifies information in the topology store.

topotool.sh modify [options]

30.2.2 Command-Line Options Used with Add


Specifies adding of a component.

-confighomename oudn | oimn | oamn | soan | NodeManager:Access | NodeManager:Identity | ohsn

Specifies a local or shared configuration home to add. Used with -instance.

-dbname DBNAME

Specifies the Oracle Database to use. Used with -instance. In this guide, DBNAME is always OIM:DB.

-description STRING

Used with -machine and -confighome. STRING is a quoted string, such as "oim3 machine".


Specifies a host. The HOSTNAME format is a fully qualified domain name, such as ldaphost3.example.com, oimhost4.example.com. Used with -host.

-hometype OUD | IAM | SOA | WEBTIER

Specifies the home type to be added. Used with -instance.


Specifies adding a host.


Specifies adding an instance.

-instancegroup STRING

Specifies an instance group. In this guide, STRING is always 1 when used with -instancegroup. Used with -instance.


Specifies adding a machine

-machinename MACHINE

Specifies the machine to be added. Used with -instance and -machine. The format of MACHINE is a fully qualified machine name such as ldaphost3.example.com, oimhost4.example.com.

-mwhomename Directorytier:MW_HOME | Access:MW_HOME | Identity:MW_HOME | Webtier:MW_HOME | Webtier:MW_HOME_2 | Webtier:MW_HOME_n

Specifies the Middleware home to add. Used with -instance

-name NAME

Specifies the name of a machine or an instance. When used with -machine, the NAME format is a fully-qualified hostname, such as ldaphost3.example.com.

When used with -instance or -confighome, the NAME format is productn, for example oid3.

When used with -instance, the NAME format is a hostname and port pair, in the format productn:host:plain for a non-SSL port and productn:host:ssl for an SSL port, where product is a component, such as OUD or OIM, and n is the instance number.

When used to add an OPMN instance the hostname part of the NAME format is OPMN, for example: OPMN:webhost3:ssl.

-path PATH

Specifies a quoted directory path, such as "/u01/oracle/config/nodemanager/oimhost3.example.com". Used with -confighome

-port PORT

Specifies a port number, such as 5556. Used with -host.

-secure true | false

Set to true for an SSL port and false for a non-SSL port. Used with -host.

-shared true | false

used with -confighome to indicate whether this is a shared or local configuration home.

-sharedlcmconfigaccessible true | false

Specifies whether the shared LCM configuration is accessible. Used with -machine. In this guide, it is set to true when adding application tier machines and to false for web tier machines.


Specifies the tier, as listed in Chapter 29, "Scaling Enterprise Deployments".

-type TYPE

Specifies the type of an instance or a component. In both cases, TYPE stands for the specific type definition to be used, matching the instance or component being added.

When used with -instance, the value can be one of: OUD | OHS_HTTPD | OPMN WLS_ADMIN | WLS_MANAGED | WLS_NODE_MANAGER


-virtual true | false

Specifies whether the host being added is a virtual host. Used with -host. It is always false in this guide.

30.2.3 Command-Line Options Used with Modify for Updating Load Balancer Mappings


Specifies modification of the load balancer mapping by the addition of a new host

-lbrname LBRNAME

Used with -lbrmapping. Specifies the name of the load balancer. LBRNAME is always LBR1 or LBR2 in this guide.

-name idstore | idstore_ssl

Used with -lbrmapping. Specifies the load balancer mapping name.

-physicalhosts HOSTS

Used with -lbrmapping. Specifies a host or a comma-separated list of hosts. For a non-SSL host, the format is productn:host, for example: OUD:LDAP:oud1:ldaphost1,oud2:ldaphost2,oud3:ldaphost3. For an SSL host, the format is productn:host:ssl, for example: oud3:ldaphost3:ssl

30.3 Commonly-Used Command Line Operations

Adding a Machine:

topotool.sh add -machine -name MACHINE -sharedlcmconfigaccessible true_false

Adding a Non-SSL Host:

topotool.sh add -host -name HOST -fqdn FQDN -port PORT -secure false -virtual false

Adding an SSL Host:

topotool.sh add -host -name HOST_SSL -fqdn FQDN -port SSL_PORT -secure false -virtual false

Adding a Local Configuration Home:

topotool.sh add -confighome -name LOCAL_CONFIG -path PATH -shared false

Adding a Shared Configuration Home:

topotool.sh add -confighome -name SHARED_CONFIG -path "/u01/oracle/config/instances/oud3" -shared true

Adding an Instance:

topotool.sh add -instance -machinename MACHINE -name INSTANCE -type TYPE -tier TIER -mwhomename MWHOME-hometype  -confighomename  LOCAL_OR_SHARED_CONFIG -instancegroup 1

Adding a Component:

topotool.sh add -component -instancename INSTANCE -type TYPE -hosts HOST

Updating Load Balancer Mappings:

topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR -name LBR_MAPPING -physicalhosts HOST
topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR_SSL -name LBR_MAPPING -physicalhosts HOST_SSL

30.4 Steps and Command-Line Examples

This section contains notes about each tier, general steps for scaling out the components in that tier, and example command lines. It contains the following topics:


Do not use the examples directly. You must substitute the values with your own data.

30.4.1 Scaling Out / Scaling Up of Directory Tier

The following sections provide information about scaling the directory tier. Directory Tier Notes

  • Scale Out and Scale Up supported.

  • Oracle Binaries are shared among the LDAP hosts.

  • When scaling out, the shared binary directory is mounted onto the new host.

  • The shared config directory is also mounted onto the new host.

  • Reconfigure load balancer mappings. Topology Tool Steps for Scaling Oracle Unified Directory

  1. Add a machine with sharedlcmconfigaccessible set to true. (Only for scale out).

  2. Add a non-SSL host if Oracle Unified Directory is listening on non-SSL port.

  3. Add a SSL host if Oracle Unified Directory is listening on SSL port.

  4. Add a configuration home. Set shared to true / false based on whether it is shared configuration or local configuration.

  5. Add an instance of type OUD, tier DIRECTORY, hometype OUD using an existing middleware home.

  6. Add a component for the newly created instance of type DEFAULT using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts.

  7. Update the load balancer mappings with the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts. Scale Out Commands for Oracle Unified Directory

  • Adding new machine

    topotool.sh add -machine -name ldaphost3.example.com -description "oud3 machine" -sharedlcmconfigaccessible true
  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination)

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oud3:ldaphost3 -fqdn ldaphost3.example.com -port 1389 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oud3: ldaphost3:ssl -fqdn ldaphost3.example.com -port 1390 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oud3 -description "oud3 local configuration home" -path "/u02/private/oracle/config/instances/oud3" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oud3 -description "oud3 configuration home" -path "/u01/oracle/config/instances/oud3" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename ldaphost3.example.com -name oud3 -description "oud3" -type OUD -tier DIRECTORY -mwhomename Directorytier:DIR_MW_HOME -hometype OUD -confighomename oud3 -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oud3 -type DEFAULT  -hosts oud3:ldaphost3,oud3:ldaphost3:ssl
  • Adding the new host to the load balancer mappings

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR2 -name idstore -physicalhosts oud3:ldaphost3
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh  modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR2 -name idstore-ssl  -physicalhosts oud3:ldaphost3:ssl Scale Up Commands for Oracle Unified Directory

  • Adding new machine

    topotool.sh add -machine -name ldaphost3.example.com -description "oud3 machine" -sharedlcmconfigaccessible true
  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination)

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oud3:ldaphost3 -fqdn ldaphost3.example.com -port 1389 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oud3: ldaphost3:ssl -fqdn ldaphost3.example.com -port 1390 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oud3 -description "oud3 local configuration home" -path "/u02/private/oracle/config/instances/oud3" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oud3 -description "oud3 configuration home" -path "/u01/oracle/config/instances/oud3" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename ldaphost3.example.com -name oud3 -description "oud3" -type OUD -tier DIRECTORY -mwhomename Directorytier:DIR_MW_HOME -hometype OUD -confighomename oud3 -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oud3 -type DEFAULT  -hosts oud3:ldaphost3,oud3:ldaphost3:ssl
  • Adding the new host to the load balancer mappings

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR2 -name idstore -physicalhosts oud3:ldaphost3
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh  modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR2 -name idstore-ssl  -physicalhosts oud3:ldaphost3:ssl

30.4.2 Scaling Out / Scaling Up of Application Tier

The following sections provide information about scaling the application tier. Application Tier Notes

  • Scale Out and Scale Up supported.

  • Oracle Binaries are shared among the hosts.

  • When scaling out, the shared binary directory is mounted onto the new host.

  • The shared config directory is also mounted onto the new host.

  • Node manager added in case of Scale Out. Topology Tool Steps for OAM

  1. Add a machine with sharedlcmconfigaccessible set to true. (Only for scale out).

  2. Add a non-SSL host if OAM is listening on non-SSL port.

  3. Add a SSL host if OAM is listening on SSL port.

  4. Add a host for OAP.

  5. Add a configuration home. Set shared to true / false based on whether it is shared configuration or local configuration.

  6. Add an instance of type WLS_MANAGED, tier IDM, hometype IAM using an existing middleware home.

  7. Add a component for the newly created instance of type DEFAULT using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts.

  8. Add a component for the newly created instance of type WLS_MANAGED_OAM using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts. Scale Out Commands for OAM

  • Adding new machine

    topotool.sh add -machine -name oamhost3.example.com -description "oam3 machine" -sharedlcmconfigaccessible true
  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for OAM

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oam3:oamhost3 -fqdn oamhost3.example.com -port 14100 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oam3:oamhost3:ssl -fqdn oamhost3.example.com -port 14101 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding the new host for OAP (hostname + port combination)

    topotool.sh add -host -name oam3:slc03oap3 -fqdn oamhost3.example.com -port 5575 -secure false -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oam3 -description "oam3 local configuration home" -path "/u02/private/oracle/config/domains/IAMAccessDomain" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oam3 -description "oam3 shared configuration home" -path "/u01/oracle/config/domains/IAMAccessDomain/" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oamhost3.example.com -name oam3 -description "oam3" -type WLS_MANAGED -tier IDM -mwhomename Access:IAD_MW_HOME -hometype IAM -confighomename oam3 -dbname OIM:DB -domainname   IAMAccessDomain -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oam3 -type WLS_MANAGED_OAM  -hosts oam3:oamhost3, oam3:oamhost3:ssl,oam3:slc03oap3 
    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oam3 -type DEFAULT  -hosts oam3:oamhost3,oam3:oamhost3:ssl Scale Up Commands for OAM

  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for OAM

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oam3:oamhost3 -fqdn oamhost3.example.com -port 14100 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oam3:oamhost3:ssl -fqdn oamhost3.example.com -port 14101 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oam3 -description "oam3 local configuration home" -path "/u02/private/oracle/config/domains/IAMAccessDomain" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oam3 -description "oam3 shared configuration home" -path "/u01/oracle/config/domains/IAMAccessDomain/" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oamhost3.example.com -name oam3 -description "oam3" -type WLS_MANAGED -tier IDM -mwhomename Access:IAD_MW_HOME -hometype IAM -confighomename oam3 -dbname OIM:DB -domainname   IAMAccessDomain -instancegroup 1
  • Adding component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oam3 -type WLS_MANAGED_OAM  -hosts oam3:oamhost3, oam3:oamhost3:ssl,oam3:slc03oap3 
    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oam3 -type DEFAULT  -hosts oam3:oamhost3,oam3:oamhost3:ssl Topology Tool Steps for OIM

  1. Add a machine with sharedlcmconfigaccessible set to true. (Only for scale out).

  2. Add a non-SSL host if OIM is listening on non-SSL port.

  3. Add a SSL host if OIM is listening on SSL port.

  4. Add a configuration home. Set shared to true / false based on whether it is shared configuration or local configuration.

  5. Add an instance of type WLS_MANAGED, tier IDM, hometype IAM using an existing middleware home.

  6. Add a component for the newly created instance of type DEFAULT using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts.

  7. Add a component for the newly created instance of type WLS_MANAGED_OIM using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts. Scale Out commands for OIM

  • Adding new machine

    topotool.sh add -machine -name oimhost3.example.com -description "oim3 machine" -sharedlcmconfigaccessible true
  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for OIM

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oim3:oimhost3 -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 14000 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oim3:oimhost3:ssl -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 14001 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oim3 -description "oim3 local configuration home" -path "/u02/private/oracle/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oim3 -description "oim3 shared configuration home" -path " /u01/oracle/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain"-shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oimhost3.example.com -name oim3 -description "oim3" -type WLS_MANAGED -tier IDM -mwhomename Identity::IGD_MW_HOME -hometype IAM -confighomename oim3 -dbname OIM:DB -domainname   IAMGovernanceDomain -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oim3 -type WLS_MANAGED_OIM -hosts oim3:oimhost3,oim3:oimhost3:ssl
    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oim3 -type DEFAULT -hosts oim3:oimhost3,oim3:oimhost3:ssl Scale Up commands for OIM

  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for OIM

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oim3:oimhost3 -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 14000 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name oim3:oimhost3:ssl -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 14001 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oim3 -description "oim3 local configuration home" -path "/u02/private/oracle/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name oim3 -description "oim3 shared configuration home" -path " /u01/oracle/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain"-shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oimhost3.example.com -name oim3 -description "oim3" -type WLS_MANAGED -tier IDM -mwhomename Identity::IGD_MW_HOME -hometype IAM -confighomename oim3 -dbname OIM:DB -domainname   IAMGovernanceDomain -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oim3 -type WLS_MANAGED_OIM -hosts oim3:oimhost3,oim3:oimhost3:ssl 
    topotool.sh add -component -instancename oim3 -type DEFAULT -hosts oim3:oimhost3,oim3:oimhost3:ssl Topology Tool Steps for SOA

  1. Add a machine with sharedlcmconfigaccessible set to true. (Only for scale out).

  2. Add a non-SSL host if SOA is listening on non-SSL port.

  3. Add a SSL host if SOA is listening on SSL port.

  4. Add a configuration home. Set shared to true / false based on whether it is shared configuration or local configuration.

  5. Add an instance of type WLS_MANAGED, tier IDM, hometype SOA using an existing middleware home.

  6. Add a component for the newly created instance of type DEFAULT using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts.

  7. Add a component for the newly created instance of type WLS_MANAGED_SOA using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts. Scale Out commands for SOA

  • Adding new machine

    topotool.sh add -machine -name oimhost3.example.com -description "soa3 instance machine" -sharedlcmconfigaccessible true
  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for SOA

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name soa3:oimhost3 -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 8001 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name soa3:oimhost3:ssl -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 8002 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name soa3 -description "soa3 local configuration home" -path "/u02/private/oracle/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name soa3 -description "soa3 shared configuration home" -path " /u01/oracle/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain"-shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oimhost3.example.com -name soa3 -description "soa3 " -type WLS_MANAGED -tier IDM -mwhomename Identity::IGD_MW_HOME -hometype SOA -confighomename soa3 -dbname OIM:DB -domainname   IAMGovernanceDomain -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename soa3 -type WLS_MANAGED_SOA -hosts soa3:oimhost3,soa3:oimhost3:ssl 
    topotool.sh add -component -instancename soa3 -type DEFAULT -hosts soa3:oimhost3,soa3:oimhost3:ssl Scale Up Commands for SOA

  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for SOA

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name soa3:oimhost3 -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 8001 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name soa3:oimhost3:ssl -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 8002 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name soa3 -description "soa3 local configuration home" -path "/u02/private/oracle/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name soa3 -description "soa3 shared configuration home" -path " /u01/oracle/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain"-shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oimhost3.example.com -name soa3 -description "soa3 " -type WLS_MANAGED -tier IDM -mwhomename Identity::IGD_MW_HOME -hometype SOA -confighomename soa3 -dbname OIM:DB -domainname   IAMGovernanceDomain -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename soa3 -type WLS_MANAGED_SOA -hosts soa3:oimhost3,soa3:oimhost3:ssl 
    topotool.sh add -component -instancename soa3 -type DEFAULT -hosts soa3:oimhost3,soa3:oimhost3:ssl Steps for Adding Node Manager Steps for OAM/OIM/SOA Scale Out Only

  1. Add a non-SSL host if Node Manager is listening on non-SSL port.

  2. Add a SSL host if Node Manager is listening on SSL port.

  3. Add a configuration home. Set shared to true / false based on whether it is shared configuration or local configuration.

  4. Add an instance of type WLS_NODE_MANAGER, tier IDM, hometype IAM using an existing middleware home.

  5. Add a component for the newly created instance of type DEFAULT using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts.

  6. Add a component for the newly created instance of type WLS_NODE_MANAGER using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts. Commands for Adding NodeManager for Scale Out of OAM

  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for Node Manager OAM

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name NodeManager:oamhost3 -fqdn oamhost3.example.com -port 5556 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name NodeManager:oamhost3:ssl -fqdn oamhost3.example.com -port 5556 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name NodeManager:Access -description "node manager local configuration home" -path "/u01/oracle/config/nodemanager/oamhost3.example.com" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name NodeManager:Access -description " node manager shared configuration home " -path "/u01/oracle/config/nodemanager/oamhost3.example.com" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oamhost3.example.com -name NodeManager:Access -description "node manager  instance" -type WLS_NODE_MANAGER -tier IDM -mwhomename Access:IAD_MW_HOME -hometype IAM -confighomename NodeManager:Access  -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename NodeManager:Access -type DEFAULT -hosts NodeManager:oamhost3, NodeManager:oamhost3:ssl Commands for Adding NodeManager for Scale Out of OIM

  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for Node Manager OIM

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name NodeManager:oimhost3 -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 5556-secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name NodeManager:oimhost3:ssl -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 5556 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name NodeManager:Identity -description "node manager local configuration home" -path "/u01/oracle/config/nodemanager/oimhost3.example.com" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name NodeManager:Identity -description " node manager shared configuration home " -path "/u01/oracle/config/nodemanager/oimhost3.example.com" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oimhost3.example.com -name NodeManager:Identity -description "node manager  instance" -type WLS_NODE_MANAGER -tier IDM -mwhomename Identity::IGD_MW_HOME -hometype IAM -confighomename NodeManager:Identity  -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename NodeManager:Identity -type DEFAULT -hosts NodeManager:oimhost3, NodeManager:oimhost3:ssl Commands for Adding NodeManager for Scale Out of SOA

  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination) for Node Manager SOA

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name NodeManager:oimhost3 -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 5556-secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name NodeManager:oimhost3:ssl -fqdn oimhost3.example.com -port 5556 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name NodeManager:Identity -description "node manager local configuration home" -path "/u01/oracle/config/nodemanager/oimhost3.example.com" -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name NodeManager:Identity -description " node manager shared configuration home " -path "/u01/oracle/config/nodemanager/oimhost3.example.com" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename oimhost3.example.com -name NodeManager:Identity -description "node manager  instance" -type WLS_NODE_MANAGER -tier IDM -mwhomename Identity::IGD_MW_HOME -hometype IAM -confighomename NodeManager:Identity  -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename NodeManager:Identity -type DEFAULT -hosts NodeManager:oimhost3, NodeManager:oimhost3:ssl

30.4.3 Scaling Out / Scaling Up of Web Tier

The following sections provide information about scaling the web tier. Web Tier Notes

  • Scale Out and Scale Up supported.

  • Oracle Binaries not shared. They are local.

  • The config directory is not mounted.

  • Reconfigure Load Balancer. Topology Tool Steps for Scaling OHS

  1. Add a machine with sharedlcmconfigaccessible set to false. (Only for scale out).

  2. Add a non-SSL host if OHS is listening on non-SSL port.

  3. Add a SSL host if OHS is listening on SSL port.

  4. Add a new Middleware Home with shared set as false. (Only for scale out)

  5. Add a new Oracle Home. (Only for scale out)

  6. Add a configuration home. Set shared to true / false based on whether it is shared configuration or local configuration.

  7. Add an instance of type OHS_HTTPD, tier WEB, hometype WEBTIER using the newly created middleware home or existing middleware home in case of scale up.

  8. Add a component for the newly created instance of type DEFAULT using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts.

  9. Add a component for the newly created instance of type OHS_WEBGATE using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts.

  10. Update the SSO, IGDINTERNAL, OIMADMIN, OAMADMIN load balancer mappings with the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts. Scale Out Commands for Web

  • Adding new machine

    topotool.sh add -machine -name webhost3.example.com -description "ohs3 machine" -sharedlcmconfigaccessible false
  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination)

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name ohs3:webhost3 -fqdn webhost3.example.com -port 7777 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name ohs3:webhost3:ssl -fqdn webhost3.example.com -port 7778 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new MW Home(s)

    topotool.sh add -mwhome -name Webtier:WEB_MW_HOME -path /u01/oracle/products/ohs/ -shared false
  • Adding new Oracle Home(s)

    topotool.sh add -home -mwhomename Webtier:WEB_MW_HOME -type ORACLE_COMMON -path /u01/oracle/products/ohs/oracle_common
    topotool.sh add -home -mwhomename Webtier:WEB_MW_HOME -type WEBTIER -path /u01/oracle/products/ohs/ohs
    topotool.sh add -home -mwhomename Webtier:WEB_MW_HOME -type OAM_WG -path /u01/oracle/products/ohs/webgate
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name ohs3 -description "ohs3 local configuration home" -path " /u02/private/oracle/config/instances/ohs1 " -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name ohs3 -description "ohs3 shared configuration home" -path " /u02/private/oracle/config/instances/ohs3" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename webhost3.example.com -name ohs3 -description "ohs3 instance" -type OHS_HTTPD -tier WEB -mwhomename Webtier:WEB_MW_HOME -hometype WEBTIER -confighomename ohs3 -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename ohs3 -type OHS_WEBGATE -hosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl -clienthosts oam3:slc03oap3
    topotool.sh add -component -instancename ohs3 -type DEFAULT -hosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl 
  • Adding the new host to the load balancer mappings

    • Adding to sso load balancer mapping

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR1 -name -physicalhosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl
    • Adding to igdinternal load balancer mapping

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR1 -name igdinternal-physicalhosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl
    • Adding to oimadmin load balancer mapping

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR1 -name oimadmin -physicalhosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl
    • Adding to oamadmin load balancer mapping

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR1 -name oamadmin -physicalhosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl Scale Up Commands for OHS

  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination)

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name ohs3:webhost3 -fqdn webhost3.example.com -port 7777 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name ohs3:webhost3:ssl -fqdn webhost3.example.com -port 7778 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new config home

    • Local config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name ohs3 -description "ohs3 local configuration home" -path " /u02/private/oracle/config/instances/ohs1 " -shared false
    • Shared config:

      topotool.sh add -confighome -name ohs3 -description "ohs3 shared configuration home" -path " /u02/private/oracle/config/instances/ohs3" -shared true
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename webhost3.example.com -name ohs3 -description "ohs3" -type OHS_HTTPD -tier WEB -mwhomename Webtier:MW_HOME -hometype WEBTIER -confighomename ohs3 -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename ohs3 -type OHS_WEBGATE -hosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl -clienthosts oam3:slc03oap3
    topotool.sh add -component -instancename ohs3 -type DEFAULT -hosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl 
  • Adding the new host to the load balancer mappings

    • Adding to sso load balancer Mapping

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR1 -name sso  -physicalhosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl
    • Adding to igdinternal load balancer mapping

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR1 -name igdinternal-physicalhosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl
    • Adding to oimadmin load balancer mapping

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR1 -name oimadmin -physicalhosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl
    • Adding to oamadmin load balancer mapping

      topotool.sh modify -lbrmapping -lbrname LBR1 -name oamadmin -physicalhosts ohs3:webhost3,ohs3:webhost3:ssl Steps for Adding OPMN for Webtier Scale Up and Scale Out

  1. Add a non-SSL host if OPMN is listening on non-SSL port.

  2. Add a SSL host if OPMN is listening on SSL port.

  3. Add a configuration home. Set shared to true / false based on whether it is shared configuration or local configuration.

  4. Add an instance of type OPMN, tier WEB, hometype WEBTIER using an existing web tier middleware home.

  5. Add a component for the newly created instance of type DEFAULT using the newly created non-SSL or SSL hosts. Commands for Adding OPMN Instance for WEB Tier for Scale Out and Scale Up

  • Adding new host (hostname + port combination)

    • Non-SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name OPMN:ohs3 -fqdn webhost3.example.com -port 6700 -secure false -virtual false
    • SSL:

      topotool.sh add -host -name OPMN:webhost3:ssl -fqdn webhost3.example.com -port 6701 -secure true -virtual false
  • Adding new instance

    topotool.sh add -instance -machinename webhost3.example.com -name OPMN:ohs3 -description "opmn for ohs third instance" -type OPMN -tier WEB -mwhomename Webtier:MW_HOME -hometype WEBTIER -confighomename ohs3 -instancegroup 1
  • Adding new component

    topotool.sh add -component -instancename OPMN:ohs3 -type DEFAULT -hosts OPMN:webhost3, OPMN:webhost3:ssl