6 Moving a WebGate Agent From a Test to a Production Environment

This chapter describes how to move a provisioned 11g WebGate configuration from a test environment to a production environment for all WebGate agents, which includes Oracle HTTP Server, IHS, Oracle Traffic Director, and Apache.

This chapter includes the following sections:

6.1 Overview of Moving a WebGate Agent From a Test to a Production Environment

To copy and 11g WebGate configuration from a test environment to a production environment, you use the following movement scripts:

  • copyBinary.sh

  • pasteBinary.sh

  • copyConfig.sh

  • pasteConfig.sh

For information about the scripts, see "Movement Scripts" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

To copy an 11g WebGate configuration from a test environment to a production environment, do the following:

  1. Copy the WebGate binary:

    1. Archive the WebGate binary on the test system by using the copyBinary.sh script.

    2. Transfer the archive to the production system.

    3. Extract the archive in the production environment by using the pasteBinary.sh script.

  2. Copy the WebGate configuration information:

    1. Archive the WebGate instances on the test system by using the copyConfig.sh script.

    2. Transfer the archive file and move plan to the production system.

    3. (Optional.) Edit the file (moveplan.xml) that contains the configuration settings used by the pasteConfig.sh script in the next step.

    4. Extract the archive in the production environment using the pasteConfig.sh script.

6.2 Prerequisites for Moving a WebGate Agent From a Test to a Production Environment

Before continuing with the steps in this chapter, verify that you have completed the following requirements.

6.2.1 Configuring the Web Server

You must install and configure the Web server in the production environment. The version and build numbers in the test and production environments must match.

6.2.2 Copying the Oracle Access Management (OAM) Server

You must copy the Access Manager Server configuration from the test environment to the production environment.

If you have installed Access Manager on Weblogic Server, see "Moving from a Test to a Production Environment" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

If you have installed Access Manager on IBM WebSphere, see "Moving Access Manager From a Test to Production Environment on IBM WebSphere" in Third-Party Application Server Guide.

6.2.3 Verifying the Test to Production Tools

Verify that the test to production (T2P) tools (also known as movement scripts) are available. The tools are available in the following location:


The required scripts for UNIX environments are:

Ensure that you have the cloningclientwg.jar file.

  • copyBinary.sh

  • pasteBinary.sh

  • copyConfig.sh

  • pasteConfig.sh

For information about the scripts, see "Movement Scripts" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

6.2.4 Verifying the JDK Version

Ensure that JDK 1.7 or later is installed.

Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of the JDK/JRE path. For example, export JAVA_HOME=/home/software/jdk1.7.0_34.


You can define a JAVA_HOME environment variable on your systems and use the -javaHome command option when you are running the test-to-production migration commands.

6.3 Replicating the WebGate Binary and Configuration From Test to Production

To copy the WebGate binary and WebGate configuration files, from a test environment to a production environment, do the following:

6.3.1 Replicating the WebGate Binary Files

To replicate the WebGate binary files, do the following:

  1. In the test environment, create an archive of the binary by using the copybinary.sh script. The usage is as follows:

    ./copyBinary.sh [-javaHome Java_Home_Path ] -archiveLoc Archive_Dir -sourceOHomeLoc Source_WebGate_Oracle_Home

  2. Move the archive created in step one to the production environment by using FTP.

    Also, copy the WebGateT2P directory from the Test environment to the Production environment in preparation for the next step.

  3. In the production environment use the pastebinary.sh script to extract the archive copied in the previous step. The usage is as follows:

    ./pasteBinary.sh [-javaHome Java_Home_Path ] -archiveLoc Archive_Dir -targetOHomeLoc Target_Oracle_Home_Location

6.3.2 Replicating the WebGate Configuration

To Replicate the WebGate configuration:

  1. In the test environment, create an archive of the WebGate instance (the configuration) by using the copyConfig.sh script. A file named Moveplan.xml is created at the archive location.

    The copyConfig script usage is as follows:

    ./copyConfig.sh [-javaHome Java_Home_Path ] -archiveLoc Archive_Dir -sourceInstanceHomeLoc Source_WebGate_Instance_Home

  2. Move Moveplan.xml and the archive created in step one to the production environment by using FTP.

  3. (Optional.) Open moveplan.xml for editing and update the following parameters. These parameter are used by the pasteConfig.sh script to configure the WebGate in the production environment.

    Table 6-1 Configuration Parameters and Expected Value

    Parameter Name Expected Value


    Valid OAM server name


    Valid OAM server proxy port


    WebGate Oracle home


    WebGate instance directory


    File path to the Web server config file, for example httpd.conf or obj.conf.

  4. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBPATH environment variables on the production system before running pasteConfig.sh.

  5. In the production environment, run the pasteConfig.sh script to extract the WebGate archive that you copied in step two. The pasteConfig.sh script has two usage modes. Use the following mode if you have defined the configuration parameters in the moveplan.xml file:

    ./pasteConfig.sh [-javaHome Java_Home_Path ] -archiveLoc Archive_Location -movePlanLoc Path_to_the_ moveplan.xml_file

    Or, to define the configuration parameters at the command line, use the following mode:

    ./pasteConfig.sh [-javaHome Java_Home_Path ] -archiveLoc Archive_Location -targetOHomeLoc Target_Oracle_home_location -targetInstanceHomeLoc An_empty_directory -webserverConfPath Web_server_configuration_path -oamHost OAM_server_host -oamPort OAM_server_port