
The Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide explains how to use the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Administrative Console (hereafter referred to as the Administrative Console) to configure your enterprise's system and Oracle Client applications so that users can manage their passwords effectively.

The Administrative Console lets you configure the following Client applications:

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Logon Manager (Logon Manager) with Kiosk Manager.

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Password Reset (Password Reset).

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Universal Authentication Manager

Additionally, this guide contains instructions for:

  • Creating and deploying Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite using Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Anywhere (Anywhere).

  • Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Reporting service to generate reports about virtually all the day-to-day activities of your enterprise.

Finally, this guide provides brief descriptions of the integration of the administrator tasks associated with Provisioning Gateway. See the separate administrator's guide for complete instructions.


This guide is intended for experienced administrators responsible for the planning, implementation and deployment of Logon Manager. Administrators are expected to understand single sign-on concepts, such as password policies, logon methods, credential sharing groups, and application configuration, as well as have familiarity configuring directory servers, databases and repositories. The person completing the installation and configuration procedure should also be familiar with the company's system standards. Readers should be able to perform routine security administration tasks.

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Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite documentation set:

  • Release Notes

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Installation Guide

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Administrator's Guide

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Secure Deployment Guide

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite User's Guide

  • Deploying Logon Manager with a Directory-Based Repository

  • Configuring and Diagnosing Logon Manager Application Templates

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Provisioning Gateway Administrator's Guide


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