
The Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Secure Deployment Guide explains how to securely deploy each component of the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite. It also advises against deployment scenarios that might arise that can adversely affect the security of your Oracle software deployment.


This guide is intended for experienced administrators responsible for the planning, implementation and deployment of applications. Administrators are expected to have solid knowledge of directory environments, permission structures, domain administration, and databases.


For maximum security of Oracle and other applications, Oracle urges you to follow Oracle, Microsoft, and other network security best practices in your enterprise.

This includes enforcing the use of strong passwords and policies across your network, including those used to authenticate to Oracle ESSO Suite applications, to reduce the potential for unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Oracle also highly recommends minimizing the privileges granted to domain accounts for both users and applications, including disallowing local administrator access for all but those users that explicitly require it.

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Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Release documentation set:

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Release Notes

  • Installing Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite

  • Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Administrator's Guide

  • Accessing Applications with Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite

  • Deploying Logon Manager with a Directory-Based Repository

  • Configuring and Diagnosing Logon Manager Application Templates


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