6 Securing the Reporting Service

The Reporting Service accepts events occurring within each Suite application and stores them in the database configured by the Suite administrator.

There are two communication pathways through which the Reporting Service receives and transmits event information:

  • Suite Application and Reporting Service - the event data is sent to the Reporting Service securely and automatically by each running Suite application. Before transmitting the data to the service, each Suite application verifies the service's digital signature and will not transmit the data if the verification fails. Additionally, before accepting event data from any application, the service verifies the application's digital signature and will not accept event data if the verification fails. Thus, a bi-directional trust must be established between the transmitting application and the service itself for data exchange to occur. Programmatically impersonating either a Suite application or the Reporting Service is thus impossible.

  • Reporting Service and database - the Reporting Service is capable of opening a secure connection to the database holding its event data repository; however, you are responsible for configuring your database for secure communication and providing the Reporting Service with the correct connection string that enables secure communication. For example:

    "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=myServerName;Initial Catalog=myDatabaseName;Integrated Security=SSPI;Use Encryption for Data=True"

    In the above example, the Integrated Security=SSPI and Use Encryption for Data=True setting ensure a secure connection to the database. For more information, consult your database system's documentation. For steps on configuring a database instance for the reporting service, see the Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Plus Administrator's Guide.