
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


What's New in Oracle Access Management?

Part I Introduction

1 Developing with Oracle Access Management Components

Part II Developing with Access Manager

2 Developing Access Clients

3 Developing Custom Authentication Plug-ins

4 Developing Custom Pages

5 Managing Policy Objects

6 Developing an Application to Manage Impersonation

Part III Developing with Mobile and Social

7 Developing Applications Using the Mobile and Social Client SDKs

8 Developing Mobile and Social Services Applications with the Java Client SDK

9 Developing Mobile and Social Services Applications with the iOS Client SDK

10 Developing Mobile and Social Services Applications with the Android Client SDK

11 Developing Applications Using the Social Identity Client SDK

12 Extending the Capabilities of the Mobile and Social Server

13 Customizing Oracle Mobile Authenticator

14 Using the Mobile and Social REST API

Part IV Developing with the OAuth Service

15 Using the OAuth Services API

16 Customizing the OAuth Services

Part V Developing with Identity Federation

17 Developing a Custom User Provisioning Plug-in

18 Using the REST API for Identity Federation

19 Developing a Message Processing Plug-in

20 Implementing Custom Authentication Actions

Part VI Developing with Security Token Service

21 Developing a Custom Token Module

Part VII Appendices

A Creating Deployment-Specific Pages