Action Certification Tasks

For the actions on certification tasks, use the following URIs:
  • /certifications GET returns the certifications for the logged in user

  • /certifications/{certid} GET returns the details of the certification

  • /certifications/{certid}/tasks GET returns all tasks associated with the certification

  • /certification/{certid}/tasks PUT updates all tasks associated with the certification

  • /certifications/{certid}/tasks/{taskid} GET returns the details of the given task

  • /certifications/{certid}/tasks/{taskid} PUT allows the update to a task, such as expire the task, create a proxy for the task, and so on

  • /certifications/{certid}/tasks/{taskid}/lineitems/ GET returns the line items associated with the task

  • /certifications/{certid/tasks/{taskid}/lineitems PUT updates the action associated with a line item, such as claim, revoke abstain, complete, and so on

  • /certifications/{certid}/tasks/{taskid}/lineitems/{lineitemid} GET returns the details of a line item associated with a task

  • /certifications/{certid}/tasks/[taskid}/lineitems/{linieitemid} PUT updates the action associated with a single line item