8 Managing IT Resources

IT resource is the target connectivity and connector configuration in an application instance. See "Managing Application Instances" for information about application instances.

This chapter describes how to create and manage IT resources in the following sections:

8.1 Creating IT Resources

To create an IT resource:


The IT resource type is created before the IT resource can be created. The IT resource type can be created either by using the Design Console, or by importing the IT resource type using the Deployment Manager. See "IT Resources Type Definition Form" in Developing and Customizing Applications for Oracle Identity Manager for information about defining an IT resource type.
  1. Login to Oracle Identity System Administration.

  2. Under Provisioning Configuration, click IT Resource. The Manage IT Resource page is displayed.

  3. Click Create IT Resource. The Create IT Resource wizard is displayed.

  4. On the Step 1: Provide IT Resource Information page, enter the following information:

    • IT Resource Name: Enter a name for the IT resource.

    • IT Resource Type: Select an IT resource type for the IT resource.

      If you want to create an IT resource of the Remote Manager type, then select Remote Manager from the IT Resource Type list.

    • Remote Manager: If you want to associate the IT resource with a particular remote manager, then select the remote manager from this list. If you do not want to associate the IT resource with a remote manager, then leave this field blank.


      If you select Remote Manager from the IT Resource Type list, then you must not select a remote manager from the Remote Manager list.
  5. Click Continue.

  6. On the Step 2: Specify IT Resource Parameter Values page, specify values for the parameters of the IT resource, and then click Continue.

  7. On the Step 3: Set Access Permission to IT Resource page, if you want to assign roles to the IT resource and set access permissions for the roles, then:

    a. Click Assign Role.

    b. For the roles that you want to assign to the IT resource, select Assign and the access permissions that you want to set. For example, if you want to assign the ALL USERS role and set the Read and Write permissions to this role, then you must select the respective check boxes in the row, as well as the Assign check box, for this role.

    c. Click Assign.

  8. On the Step 3: Set Access Permission to IT Resource page, if you want to modify the access permissions of roles assigned to the IT resource, then:

    a. Click Update Permissions.

    b. Depending on whether you want to set or remove specific access permissions for roles displayed on this page, select or deselect the corresponding check boxes.


    You cannot modify the access permissions of the SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS role. You can modify the access permissions of only other roles that you assign to the IT resource.

    c. Click Update.

  9. On the Step 3: Set Access Permission to IT Resource page, if you want to unassign a role from the IT resource, then:

    a. Select the Unassign check box for the role that you want to unassign.


    You cannot unassign the SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS role. You can unassign only other roles that you assign to the IT resource.

    b. Click Unassign.

  10. Click Continue.

  11. On the Step 4: Verify IT Resource Details page, review the information that you provided on the first, second, and third pages. If you want to make changes in the data entered on any page, click Back to revisit the page and then make the required changes.

  12. To proceed with the creation of the IT resource, click Continue.

  13. The Step 5: IT Resource Connection Result page displays the results of a connectivity test that is run using the IT resource information. If the test is successful, then click Create. If the test fails, then you can perform one of the following steps:

    • Click Back to revisit the previous pages and then make corrections in the IT resource creation information.

    • Click Cancel to stop the procedure, and then begin from the first step onward.

    • Proceed with the creation process by clicking Continue. You can fix the problem later, and then rerun the connectivity test.


      If no errors are encountered, then the label of the button is Create, not Continue.
  14. Click Finish.

8.2 Managing IT Resources

To locate an IT resource:

  1. In Oracle Identity System Administration, under Provisioning Configuration, click IT Resource. The Manage IT Resource page is displayed.

  2. On the Manage IT Resource page, you can use one of the following search options to locate the IT resource that you want to view:

    • IT Resource Name: Enter the name of the IT resource, and then click Search.

    • IT Resource Type: Select the IT resource type of the IT resource, and then click Search.

    • Click Search.

On the Manage IT Resource page, the list of IT resources that meet the search criteria is displayed.

From this point onward, you can perform one of the following procedures on the IT resource:

8.2.1 Viewing IT Resources

To view an IT resource:

  1. From the list of IT resources displayed in the search results, click the IT resource name.

  2. If you want to view the IT resource parameters and their values, then select Details and Parameters from the list at the top of the page. Similarly, if you want to view the administrative roles assigned to the IT resource, then select Administrative Roles from the list.

8.2.2 Modifying IT Resources

To modify an IT resource:

  1. From the list of IT resources displayed in the search results, click the edit icon for the IT resource that you want to modify.

  2. If you want to modify values of the IT resource parameters, then:

    1. Select Details and Parameters from the list at the top of the page.

    2. Make the required changes in the parameter values.

    3. To save the changes, click Update.

  3. If you want to modify the administrative roles assigned to the IT resource, first select Administrative Roles from the list at the top of the page and then perform the required modification.

  4. If you want to unassign an administrative role, select the Unassign check box in the row in which the role name is displayed and then click Unassign.


    • When you click Unassign, the administrative roles that you select are immediately unassigned from the IT resource. You are not prompted to confirm that you want to unassign the selected administrative roles.

    • You cannot unassign the SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS role.

  5. If you want to assign new administrative roles to the IT resource, then:

    1. Click Assign Role.

    2. For the administrative roles that you want to assign to the IT resource, select the access permission check boxes and the Assign check box.

    3. Click Assign.

  6. If you want to modify the access permissions of the administrative roles that are currently assigned to the IT resource, then:

    1. Click Update Permissions.

    2. Depending on the changes that you want to make, select or deselect the check boxes in the table.


      You cannot change the access permissions of the SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS role.
    3. To save the changes, click Update.

8.2.3 Deleting IT Resources

To delete an IT resource:

  1. From the list of IT resources displayed in the search results, click the Delete icon for the IT resource that you want to delete.

  2. To confirm that you want to delete the IT resource, click Confirm Delete.


Deleting IT resource instances soft-deletes the corresponding application instances.