This diagram shows a high-level architecture for MSAS. It is divided into three main sections. On the left is an iOS mobile device showing multiple iOS apps. In the middle is the DMZ containing the Mobile Security Access Server containing four boxes labeled Authn, Authz, SSO, and URL virtualization. On the right is the green zone, containing the Mobile Security Manager with 3 boxes labeled MSAS Management, Mobile Device Management, and Mobile Application Management. The green zone also depicts the web applications and business applications to be protected surrounded by a dotted line box, the OAM and OAuth Servers, and the LDAP at the bottom of the graphic. There is a directional arrow from the mobile device to MSAS labeled KINIT/PKINIT/OAUTH/OAM, and an arrow from MSAS to the mobile device labeled STOKEN. There is another arrow from the mobile device to MSAS labeled Access Virtualized Resources. There is an arrow from the MSAS to the MSM labeled MSAS Policies/Metadata. There is another arrow from MSAS to the Web and Business Applications box, and a third arrow to the OAM, Oauth Server, and LDAP.