This figure shows a screen capture of the OAuth Web Client Configuration Page. In the top section of the page, it shows Identity Domain field with the name Default Domain. The Name field is filled with myinstance1_MSASClient. The Description field is blank. The Allow Token Attributes Retrieval checkbox is unchecked. The Client ID field shows myinstance1_MSASClient, and the Client Secret field has asterisks showing that a password was entered. Next to both of these fields is a Generate button. Beneath the Client Secret field is a Shown in Clear Text checkbox. This is unchecked. The next section is HTTP Redirect URIs, which is a table with no URIs defined. In the Privileges section, there are two options in the top part, Bypass User Consent, which is unchecked, and Allow access to all scopes, which is checked. In the Grant Types section, there are 7 options: Authorization Code, Resource Owner Credentials, Client Credentials, Refresh Token, JWT Bearer, SAML2 Bearer, and OAM Console. Only Resource Owner Credentials, JWT Bearer, and OAM Credentials are checked.