Screen capture shows the Mobile App Catalog tab open adjacent to the Launch Pad tab. The heading at the top of the page says "Catalog." The search box for the Catalog is in the top right corner. The Action Bar is below the heading and search box. It consists of the Add button on the left side of the page, and on the right side of the page, a Refresh button, and a Sort menu. (Last Updated is the Sort menu option visible in the screen capture.) Below the Action Bar is a table of apps. In this example there are five rows, with one app per row. At the bottom of the page is a Load More Items link, followed by text that says 1-5 of 9 items. The table contains five columns: Column one shows the icon assigned to the app. Columns two, three, and four each contain two fields with labels: column two is Name and Description, column three is Type and Containerized, column four is Platform and Installed On. Column five contains an X icon that you can click to delete the app from the catalog. App names in the screen capture are Oracle Expenses, BriefCase, Product Docs, Marketing Portal, and Sales Portal. Each app name is a hyperlink. None of the other fields or values are links.

The Oracle Expenses app shows the following labels and values: Description - Oracle Fusion Expens..., Type - App, Containerized - No, Platform - iOS, Installed On - No Devices.

The BriefCase app shows the following labels and values: Description - BriefCase Enterprise, Type - App, Containerized - Yes, Platform - iOS, Installed On - No Devices.

The Product Docs app shows the following labels and values: Description - Product Docs Sharepo..., Type - Virtual App, Virtual App Type - Shared Folder App, Installed On - No Devices.

The Marketing Portal app shows the following labels and values: Description - (blank), Type - Virtual App, Virtual App Type - Web App, Installed On - No Devices.

The Sales Portal app shows the following labels and values: Description - (blank), Type - Virtual App, Virtual App Type - Web App, Installed On - No Devices.